vintage Purse and Buckle


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
Alright here is my first attempt at this. This one isn't particularly special but it does show a stacked frame. I used as follows, LJ Florentina #457901,inner frame is Studio #42742, Crescent Dusty green suede #7133. This particular Florentina isn't necessarily shadowbox material but I didn't need much room. The purse is an old twenties mesh purse. It has a really cool art deco pattern painted on it but none of it is very visible in the picture. The buckle is I think something off of a shoe. I collect little bits and pieces hoping one day to be this famous collage artist............ha.
Nice framing, Kathy!

I use Florentina on alot of framings. It pulls out colors from a piece that other frames just don't get into.

And it looks like you have mastered posting photos to the Grumble too!

Keep up the good work.


Awesome design - simple, clean lines, eloquent design. I could not have done a better job.

Keep doing design work like this, and you will surely be one of the most successful framers in your area. Keep up the great work. You should share your retail pricing with us. Try using Museum glass next time. Your clients will want to reach in and touch that purse, and the glass will sell, sell, sell!

Oh, and the flowers are a nice touch that will help seperate you from the pack!
Less, here is pricing on this one:
Overall size is 7x17
LJ457901 96.00
ST42742 69.00
C7133 Suede 24.00
UVClear 17.99
Shadowbox lining 16.00
Fit 9.00
Mounting charge 25.00
total 259.99

Suede mat cut out corners to form it's own box. I sew mounted the buckle as a "hook" for the purse. I hung the purse off of the buckle and basically sewed down the frame of the purse. The mesh is torn in a couple of places so I tried to take the weight off of it with a couple of stitches here and there. I know vintage beaded purses aren't supposed to be displayed hanging because the weight and gravity will have it's way eventually. But with the mesh I am assuming it is light weight enough to hang.

The multi colors in the Florentina frame work so well with the patina in the purse. The liner frame from Studio has little Art Deco fans on them and it actually mirrors the scroll work in the frame of the purse. I added the buckle for interest because I didn't like the idea of suspending it in mid-air so to speak.

I love these vintage purses and I am considering buying them and framing them in the store to sell. I have had several offers on this one but I didn't frame it to sell it since it is a personal favorite. These purses are readily available on Ebay.
Kathy, nice job!
I always seem to be attracted to those unusual shapes- tall skinny is a good one and suits the sleekness of the pieces framed. Cool use of a stack, also. And I can't imagine it without the buckle... it belongs there!
One note about your pricing... I didn't see a charge for mounting the items. I know that that had to take at least 1/2 hour, maybe up to an hour. I would have added a labor charge for that.
edie the Ican'tbelieveIneverframedapurse goddess
You know what Edie, you are so right. I thought I had added on $25.00 for mounting. I guess I forgot to add it on. So, kaching add $25.00 more. :rolleyes:
It looks great, Kathy. I was just going to say what FG said. Be sure to charge for attaching objects. The chain on those purses often creates an imbalance or dead space. The buckle works perfectly!
Maybe I missed it, but you didn't give us a size, did you? Might be a good opportunity to do a little price shopping.
Nice design by the way. The ones that come toghether like this really sparkle!
Duh, sorry guys this is the first time I've done this. The overall size is 7x17. Thanks for all the positive feedback.
Beautiful job Empress! A couple of points... ALWAYS add a little more on these special jobs. i.e. If you think it's gonna take 1/2 hour to do something, it'll take an hour. If it takes a long time to design it with the customer, add on a little there as well. Always use a museum glass on shadow boxes, the look is SO much better and the profit is better too. You can always take it away if the customer balks at the price, but you can't add it on later. Comprende?


Your Emperor

PS. Have you seen my "Little Lulu" change purse or did you frame that too?
I edited the pricing to include the size and the cost of mounting. I agree with the museum glass. I haven't sold too much of it in the past, I guess I need to have a sample with it. Thanks for all the nice feedback, you guys are making me blush. :rolleyes: I was a little afraid to do this, thanks for encouraging the forum Less. Also, since I put my price out there I wouldn't mind knowing how it stacks up so to speak.
I think your design is really nice. I was thinking that maybe something similar would make a good sample for my store, since there are lots of Victorian homes here, and lots af antiquers (is that a word?), so I thought I might go to Ebay and snag one. Do you have any idea what those babies are going for right now? :eek: If you intend to sell that one, you had better double the price!!! I will probably still do one, but I'm going to make sure I like it, 'cause it just might end up in MY house!
Very nice! I love the Florentina frames! And it reminds that I want to get my grandmother's beaded purse to frame.