Versa Laser

Judy, I saw that product somewhere recently - maybe one of our own trade mags - and went to the website. I downloaded the Tech TV spot and watched it and said to myself, "I gotta get me one of those!"

The $10,000 starter model (less than a Mat Maestro!) has a pretty small size limit, but I'm not clear on whether the stated size is the size of the image you can cut, or the total size of the work piece it will accommodate. I suspect the former, which wouldn't be much of a limitation.

In addition to etching text plates, you could cut designs into mats that are much more intricate than anything a CMC can do. You could also engrave "burn" designs into flat wood frames (or flat metal frames.)

I use to carry a line of laser-carved photo frames that were just gorgeous.

Why don't you buy one and let me know how it works out?
Ok this sounds like a product a studio mate of mine once had. He did ronze sculptures and things of that nature. He used it to make prototypes for the sculptures. He made these out of huge foam blocks. His was set up to do something like 4ft by 8ft, then he was getting another one. This one did three dimensional objects.

Oh wait, you said this was a lazer, his was a drill bit and something else. The drill bit was about two foot long, it was insane, but it made the neatest stuff.
It does sound interesting.

Ron: The holidays are coming. Now you know what to get me!

Saw one at the N.Y. show last year. The area described is the working area. They cut a bunch of 6" rulers out of wood, very fine detail. Also displayed a college diploma they had scanned in an engraved,a really cool tool!