Vanishing AR in Fullcalc

Joe Dellert CPF

Jan 25, 2002
San Francisco
While I was at the WCAF I had a chance to discuss my concerns about still using fullcalc with another user. In the course of this discussion he mentioned a problem that I also had experienced. The Problem being that I had taken a job in with a certain dollar value and recieved a deposit of half from the customer. This being a very heathly transaction I was aware of what the balance due amount was. At the time the job was finished and delivered to the customer I recieved them a check in the amount due but when I arrived back at my store to deposit the check and clear her balance the Balance due was listed as Zero!!!
Needless to say I called Fullcalc and had many aword with them but they came up with a big I dunno. I had hoped this was an anomolly but my discoure with a fellow user who said he experince the same problem has me concerned. I am planning an extensive audit of my recievables to see who much I might be out. My question to you is has anyone else had this problem? Please don't betrate me for still using fullcalc I am actively looking for a replacement but this revilation brought all thiose creeping doubts back to mind. :confused:
That would have raised my attention,too

Did the original paperwork properly reflect what was taken in/what was due? Could it have been a data entry issue?

Are you current with bug fixes/versions?

I'm sure there are many Fullcalc users out there, and im surprised they haven't chimed in yet to confirm or deny.

I'm glad someone has finally answer my post at all. Yes I went balistic with the guys at fullcalc and they came up with the big I dunno and I had check all my paperwork to be sure it was not a data entry problem. It seems the *#* machine just ate the $800 bucks due to me. I had thought perhaps an anomalie until I spoke to this other user who had the same problem. Thats why I am surfing for anyothers who might have experienced the same glick in Aug 2003 or any time.
Not quite the same Joe, but more and more problems of things disappearing that Michael's doesn't carry and doesn't want their people knowing about. AR is just one.

We are almost on a daily basis having mouldings that we have used for years, just drop out of the data base when we update.

Luckily we are transissioning over to FarenSoft and we will no longer have to rely on Michael's and their precious FullCalc. To bad, it used to be a nice POS.

You never realize how many late nights you put in getting the data and pricing of everything up to speed..Whew. Glad my partner is doing it.

I'm just grinding away on the taxes.....

As a side thought, we always printed 3 copies of the order. A control that stays in the to-do/finised box, one that stays with the art, and one that we order the frame off of then it stays with the frame. That way you always have a hardcopy incase of a bug or crash.
I believe Eagle still owns Fullcalc, not Michaels.

My understanding is that Michael's bought a copy of the source code and hired one of the programmers to develop their own variation, which is known by a different name.
