Joe Dellert CPF
While I was at the WCAF I had a chance to discuss my concerns about still using fullcalc with another user. In the course of this discussion he mentioned a problem that I also had experienced. The Problem being that I had taken a job in with a certain dollar value and recieved a deposit of half from the customer. This being a very heathly transaction I was aware of what the balance due amount was. At the time the job was finished and delivered to the customer I recieved them a check in the amount due but when I arrived back at my store to deposit the check and clear her balance the Balance due was listed as Zero!!!
Needless to say I called Fullcalc and had many aword with them but they came up with a big I dunno. I had hoped this was an anomolly but my discoure with a fellow user who said he experince the same problem has me concerned. I am planning an extensive audit of my recievables to see who much I might be out. My question to you is has anyone else had this problem? Please don't betrate me for still using fullcalc I am actively looking for a replacement but this revilation brought all thiose creeping doubts back to mind.
Needless to say I called Fullcalc and had many aword with them but they came up with a big I dunno. I had hoped this was an anomolly but my discoure with a fellow user who said he experince the same problem has me concerned. I am planning an extensive audit of my recievables to see who much I might be out. My question to you is has anyone else had this problem? Please don't betrate me for still using fullcalc I am actively looking for a replacement but this revilation brought all thiose creeping doubts back to mind.