Vacuum system


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Nov 19, 2003
Orange County, CA
I have a Delta Shopmaster vacuum connected to my saw and I'm not at all happy about its performance. It blows so much dust thru its bag collection system that the air is always full of the smell of sawdust.

Does anyone have a recommendation on a better quality vacuum system?

Appreciate your comments.
You can get bags for your dust collector that will filter out more of the dust. You can get a commercial air cleaner, the kind they use in bars to filter out cigarette smoke. You can get those air ionizers that cause the dust to just drop straight to the floor. Those, by the way, in my books, are the best. I had one for a while, the girls that worked for me did not like it. They said it made the air seem artificial....................whatever that means......seemed fine to me.

Set up the vacuum collector in a different room, or outside. Then the dust that gets out of the bag is also out of the room.

If you use the saw all the time then you may need an air inlet into the chopping room so as to counteract the negative vacuum you might create, but like a central vac for your home, this system, used on a sporadic basis shouldn't cause too much of a negative vacuum to be a problem.

The ozone smell of the ionizer systems does smell "artificial" to me as well. Also there is a cool, crispy feel to the air. My neighbor uses one and it kind of makes me feel a little "off" when I'm there, but it is definitely better than smelling like cigarettes! (They smoke like chimneys)
If you have good vacuum, I'm sure replacing the bags would be a less expensive than buying a new system.
Recently at a tool trade show, someone was selling a double walled bag. Inside bag trapped the larger particles and the outer captured minuet ones.
Central dust collectors really help. I built one out of plywood, a plastic trash can and chicken wire.
HERE is a good book that sucks! :D
If the saw is in it's own room, close the vent in the room and install a screen door.

Personally, I like the smell of fresh cut wood in the morning, It smells like profit!
I use a Jet Dust Collector, it works great.


The best dust control system I had was at my last location. I had a blower similar to the blower on the Jet system but it would blow all the dust to the loading area at the back of the building. Unfortunately one time a bird got into the system when I turned it on it made an odd sound, I looked out back just in time to see birds parts flying out the exhaust. After that I put a grill over the exhaust.

No bags to empty, no filter to clean.

Here's a hint that applies to all dust collection systems.

Filter bags vary in quality and performance. Find the ones with “micro” holes as they are much smaller so they trap smaller particles. There are also more of them, so there is actually more air volume passing through the filter for better performance.

Also, empty the collection bag often. The performance of the system drops off dramatically when the collection bag, or barrel, gets over half full.

You can also improve performance by removing twists and turns in the collection hose. Every inch of hose and every turn robs your system of power. The shorter and straighter the hose, the better.

Clay Simpson
Active Sales Company
Santa Fe Springs, CA

Do you stock 1 or 5 micron bags that will fit the Delta AP-400?
