UV glass scratch repair miracle!

Tommy P

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Nov 16, 2003
Mid North Indiana
Okay, I knew that would get your attention. I just saw this commercial for some stuff called "Lens Drx". If you scratch a lens on your glasses you simple take this stuff and coat over the scratch to make them "like new"! It even provides a UV protectant!! Not sure it works BUT....if it does!....could it repair that occasional annoying little scratch we get on CC glass????

Has anybody heard or seen this "miracle elixar"????

I'm always looking for that "Holy Grail" of framing...

Merry Christmas to all.....etc.,etc.,etc......
Not sure what cruelty "THAT" was, Ellen. I meant no malice in any way...sorry if you took it that way....

Happy Holidays.......
Probably not. Optical lenses are acrylic, which has the UV filter in the plastic. The product you saw probably works by floating a thin coating of a liquid that fills the small "ditch" of a scratch, making it go away...if you're lucky.

Coated glass is an entirely different kind of material.
Thanks Jim, I figured it was to good to be true...