using putty on corners put a shine on dull finish???


Apr 13, 2003
Hi. I know, this is probably somethink we cant fix, but, I want to try. After puttying the corners of one of my Larson frames, #657903, I notice that the matte finish of the frame now is shiny. Any hope for this??? Do I have to reorder and spend already low margin?? thx,seymour
There are a number of finishes where the nail hole putty doesn't work very well. Matte finishes of colored mouldings is one. Another type is metallic finishes.
You need multiple techniques for the different types of mouldings used these days.
Sometimes, coloring the ends before joining works.
There are a few mouldings that I just don't carry due to the problems of joining them.
i rub adhesive release with a piece of toilet paper and it seems to take out the shine.
even if the frame is a painted surface, like decors #9160 (blue)
It may take some of the finish off, but not much. just gently rub the entire frame if that happens. good luck!
If that number is the Le Cirque line then you should call them and tell them the problem. They may help you.

I had this problem when they introduced the line. I tried painting the frame and that didn't even work very well.

I took the line off my's in the back room...and only use it on rare occasions. When I do use it I order it joined.
Try rubbing a piece of 3M 810 tape over the offending putty then removing it, each time it will take a little more of the putty away. It works sometimes anyhow...
undu will take this stuff off(if you still hasve any---seems to be taken off the market around here) BUT it could also damage the finish---try a test piece!!!!
toothpaste has a mild abrasive in it--have read to take small scrsatches out of plastic glasses lenses this way---tried it with so so results(it increased the problem area) but may work on a "polished" surface---BE GENTLE there!
Some frame finishes are shiny beneath a dulling overspray. Rick mentions matte finish, and some mouldings appear to have a flatting agent in the final finish, which if disturbed reveals the shinier surface beneath. Some solvents, therefore, could make the problem worse, as I have discovered myself, to my rue. And in such cases sometimes a complete alcohol stripping of that layer followed by a Krylon matte finish can save the day. A day that will leave you feeling icky and diminished, at best.
My cure all for most matt finishes is P210 plexi spray cleaner/polish not the P210 scratch remover.
Works perfect on many matt finishes to remove all traces of putty, crayon, wax sticks etc. I spray it on a paper towel or cotton rag and wipe it over the corner.

Practice with a scrap 1st, please.

On those matte frames that tend to go shiny, I use removable tape on both sides of the mitered corner as close as possible. Then fill in between the tape as needed. Afterward, the tape can be removed cleanly with no shine.

but yep be careful some finishes--not many don't like it too well--I use a bit on a Q-tip

I dunno if this is what you're refering to, but we use an optical-quality paper towel on sensitive blacks ... it doesn't "scratch" the finish ... by "scratch", I mean the abrasive nature of your garden-variety paper will cause a shiny result.
LJ suggested very fine steel wool - gently - test on corner sample - it worked on my shine problem.
Good Luck