PFG, Picture Framing God
A customer brought in a catalog from this company called Medals of America. [usmedals.com 800-308-0849] Not only does their catalog list every service medal in the correct order, but they have patches, minis, all sorts of things. AND they have very knowledgeable people who answered such questions as "What is the WWII abbbreviation for private?" BZZZZ Trick question, there was no such rank as private in WWII; the lowest was Private First Class, straight out of basic training [PFC] You can buy any medal except the Medal of Honor from them, ribbons too. I have made several customers very happy by replacing medals or duplicating a medal set for a second family member. I KNOW that each vet is entitled to a set of their medals free from the govt, but it takes forbloodyever to get them, and only 1 set to a family. Anyhoo....