Used CMC vs. New CMC?

Brian Gorman

True Grumbler
Jun 19, 2002
Orange County, CA
I am currently planning my commitment to a CMC. Of course I can't afford to purchase a new machine. So leasing is the likely option.

Given the fact that I don't see too many people ever posting machines for sale, there success is obvious. Does anyone know if there are any resources for used machines, for purchase? Are earlier versions of CMC's worthwhile, accurate servicable?

For my small shop needs it seems to be up between Wizard and Eclipse! I will give each of them a closer look at the Vegas show.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hi Brian,

We opted for the new Wizard a year ago. The CMC has changed the way we work, in a very positive way.

The price between leasing and rental is almost the same, so renting didn't make sense in our case. There are advantages and disadvantages to each scenario, especially for maintenance. We were approved by the leasing company, but I didnt like some of the fine print and rate. We opted to put her on a 0% credit card with 1% cash back. This gave us an extra year to play with someone elses money, and to let this baby earn its keep.

There ARE used machines out there, but people tend to hold on to them. I assembled a list of machine specs/contact info, as well as a list of about a dozen places where you can find used framing equipment. The link is at the bottom of this message, if interested.

There was a grumble post within the last day about someone selling two pre-owned GUNNAR cmc's, I believe. A search should bring it up.

Let us know how you make out.

I purchased a gently used Wizard 5000 a little less than a year ago. Before purchasing it I went to Wizard to see how I would be treated, and how much of the benefits due the original buyer I would receive. The answer was that I would be treated as if I was the original owner and the trade in value of the machine as well as the extended warranty would be transfered into my name. So far, so good, now if they would only get my address right in all of their data banks, I would get the monthly newsletter, and software upgrades would be sent to me without having to call and ask.
I did pretty much the same kind of financing that Mike did, a special offer on a credit card check with a fixed interest (couldn't find a 0%, but Prime was good). Should I decide to upgrade the money I've spent will then go toward the new machine in the form of a trade in.
Hi Brian,

I also purchased a slighly used Gunnar Rapido and I love it.

I went around to all the suppliers to see what they could offer me. and like Wally, I wanted to see who would treat me like the original buyer and Gunnar won. But the machine is brilliant also. I recieved full training and installation and also a 12 month warrenty on it. So ring up the companies, they might have a list of used CMC as some owners won't update to a new CMC until they have sold the one they have.

I sell mostly decorative mats in my business and its made my life so easy.

If you buy a used CMC make sure the company backs it up with Full Training and that the AFTER service is thier for you! You want to make sure they will be there if you have any questions.

hope it all works out

Well Brian, I'm a little biased (OK a lot) but I think the Wizard is the best value out there. I hope you get a chance to use various CMCs before you buy - especially the software. I think you'll find our Wizard software is really fast, easy and powerful (when you need it.)

Wizard Sales (425-551-4300) can send you a demo disk of our software. The next version in January is going to be even easier to learn. We've put context sensitive help on every item on the screen. Just click on the question mark and then click on a place on the screen to learn about it.

Good luck!
Jim Brown
Manager Software
Wizard International
Do exactly what you say you are going to do. Go to the Vegas show armed with questions and let the chips fall where they may. That's what we did last year and it was time well spent. We went under the impression that it was going to be a Wizard or a Gunnar and ended up much to our own suprise with an Eclipse. In the end we chose the Eclipse because the software was much easier to use and the machine itself seemed like a more durable product than the Wizard. The Gunnar software seemed difficult in comparison to both but it seemed more superior from a construction standpoint than both. If you were pumping out basic production pieces and you could justify the added expense then the Gunnar is the industrial brute you want. We consider ourselves computer literate but Eclipse just seemed to have a better user friendly program. Don't be fooled by the fact that the Wizard has more cliparts and and uses True Type Fonts because the next Eclipse Software upgrade includes these features and more (So we are told). My partner and I pulled out the Wizard Software Demo a few weeks ago to do a comparison again to see if we still thought the Eclipse software was the better program. We still believe we made the right choice although we are jealous of the True Type Font capabilities and the library of cliparts that the Wizard already possesses. The Eclipse Team has been very helpful and we haven't had any issues other than the promised upgrade is a bit behind schedule but if it's like the rest of the program it will be worth the wait. Anytime we have thought of a program function we'd like to see added they have informed us that they already have it scheduled for the new release. But enough about that... go to the show... hang around all day... walk back and forth between the displays... ask questions and more importantly listen to what the other showgoers are asking and saying. Sometimes listening to other peoples questions will spark a few of your own that you didn't think of before hand. Another suggestion is to download the demo softwares and play with them before you go. Try to see through all the glitz and glamour and see what they really have to offer. We learned a lot at the Vegas show... it was pivotal to us making the decision that we did. Good luck and have fun... put five bucks on 16 Black for me!
I bought a used Gunnar Rapido (18 months old) almost four years ago and I love it.

I don't cut a lot of decorative mats, unlike Marion.

One of the best features for me with the Gunnar is that it cuts bevels at 45 degrees, which makes the bevel much wider than most other machines. I like the look of a wider bevel!
I think it depends on if you are cutting birds and rabbits or just alot of mats with squares. Our Speed-Mat Smart is a CMC with large production capibilities. No fancy shapes or names but what a work horse.