Uploading Photo's


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 18, 2002
Huntington Beach, CA
Hi All!

First, where do I look for details on uploading/attaching a photo of framed artwork to this thread?

Second, would some of you upload your more popular framed photo's related to weddings/invitations, certificates and both color/sepia photo's.

Thanks, Cliff P.
Hi Cliff,

When composing a post, check down below the typing box and you'll see some buttons. To insert an image in your message, click on the [IMAGE]button. A prompt will come up, asking for the full web address of the image you wish to insert.

To keep grumble bandwidth and storage space low, image storage/hosting is the responsibility of the poster. The image physically resides on your ISP account, not on the grumble, but will still display inside the message.

Your Earthlink account comes with eight 10mb "webspace" accounts, which allow you to set up a home page that matches your email address. If your shop has a web site, you can even send the files there instead.

All you have to do is transfer your pictures from your PC to the host ISP server, and reference it back here with the IMAGE button. You can use an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program to do this, such as the one at www.cuteftp.com. (free demo version)

If you have any questions or need help with this, feel free to email. Have a great holiday weekend!

Thanks Mike!

I'm not ready yet but hope to put something together for the Grumble feed-back soon.

I'll take a look at that demo software.

Thanks again Mike and have a great holiday yourself!

best, Cliff P.
Thanks Marc Lizer,

I guess I posted this part of my message in the wrong spot.

I printed all the threads and appreciate it. What was your search criteria?

best Cliff P.