I was just wondering how many other framers have dry skin like me?</FONT></P>
I have been diagnosed with <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=eczema">
Eczema</A> (on my hands) If I don't keep my hands covered with hand cream or
Vaseline they will start to crack and bleed. I am usually seen in the shop and
always at home with vinyl gloves on covering my Vaseline soaked skin.
<FONT SIZE="1">The larger text is provided by Can'tseedamnsmalltext Inc.</FONT></P>
I was just wondering how many other framers have dry skin like me?</FONT></P>
I have been diagnosed with <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=eczema">
Eczema</A> (on my hands) If I don't keep my hands covered with hand cream or
Vaseline they will start to crack and bleed. I am usually seen in the shop and
always at home with vinyl gloves on covering my Vaseline soaked skin.
<FONT SIZE="1">The larger text is provided by Can'tseedamnsmalltext Inc.</FONT></P>