Two Sided Glass with T-Shirt


Apr 11, 2003
Anyone ever have a customer request framing a t-shirt or jersey showing both sides (has many signatures). If so, any special methods? Just off the top of my head, only smashing tight between 2 pieces of glass so it doesn't move, however, what if in the future it begins to move and sag down??? Need your expert advice on this topic, PLEASE!!!!!!!!! :confused:
I've framed jerseys using FrameSpace 5 (3/4 inch airspace) on glass in the front with 1/8 inch acrylic in the back. Drill teeeeey holes through the acrylic and stitch through the holes into the jersey. Works in both wood and metal frames. Everythings reversible!
frame as a normal shadowbox with built up sides (about 1 1/4") then with acrylic for the back (acrylite ar/op3) use an 1 1/4" dowel cut to the same lenth as your shadowbox is deep and screw it thru the acrylic lenth wise and just hang the jersey on a nice wodden hanger. it looks like its a cross section of someone's closet.

Is there any concern with conservation of the jersey on this one?? With the autographs on both sides, I would assume that the customer would want the shirt to last indefinitely in its display.

There is always a potential for micro-condensation on both inside surfaces of the glass/plexi as environmental conditions change in the room where the frame package is displayed. That could lead to a possible mildew problems on the fabric if it comes in constant contact with these surfaces after the shadowbox is completed.

Using a wooden hanger could also lead to problems if it doesn't have an adequate finish on the wood or isn't covered with some type of barrier to minimize lignan burn (acid burn) on the inside of the shoulders and neck area of the jersey.

If these are not a concern, both of the above suggestions would provide a frame package that would be visible from both sides.

gemini moulding makes acylic boxes with an acrylic stand that the jersey can hang on, much like a hanger. The only problem we have encountered is the cleaning of the interior. Quite tricky. Looks very nice though. A small jersey box retails about $450.00.
I appreciate all the good advice. Thanks everyone.

Framerguy, yes conservation is a concern. This t-shirt is a triathalon (excuse the spelling)race t-shirt signed by all the professional triathalon runners. So it does have big sentimental value. What would your suggestion be?
I've had two cups of coffee this morning so maybe I will be able to explain this in a comprehensible way.

Build the frame and install the glass and two side walls of the shadowbox.

Insert a foamcore form into the shirt. Run monofilament through the foam core and shoulder seams of the jersey then straight up through the top wall of the shadowbox, evenly spaced half way between the front and the back.

Adjust the length of the mono until the top of the jersey is the correct distance from the top of the frame. Tie it off and install the top wall of the box.

Do the same for the bottom of the shirt.

If the frame doesn't end up being too huge, I'd probably use glass because the static from plexi can pull the thin nylon of the jersey away from the form.

Did that make sense?

Good luck with this project.

I like Greg's idea of sewing the shirt (with an alphacellulose filler) to a piece of acrylic. The filler actually supports the shirt, so the board would need only a few tiny attachment points to the acrylic, which would be inconspicuous, and only on the back.

You should see the sample mounts in Greg's FrameTek booth at the trade shows. He's come up with some eye-catching mounts, and many of them are reversible.
Less has an idea that he has not tried

Cut a piece of Artcare to the size of the frame. The Artcare will be used as the sink-mounting board and the jersey’s center support form.

Lay your shirt/jersey out flat and pin it into shape on the Artcare. Draw your center form into the appropriate shape. Test with regular foam first if you wish. If it works, then use that form to cut out the Artcare.

Before fitting the center support form inside the jersey, use it as a template to cut out the front and back colored face boards. Attach all of the face boards pieces to the Artcare. Fit the center support form into the jersey and test fit into the sink-board, trimming if required. If you have difficulty fitting the center support form into the jersey, vertically cut in it in half, inserting back into place and secure if necessary. Sew the jersey down for additional support if desired.

Install appropriate front and rear spacers and glazing into the frame.

For the brave and well-equipped framer, you could try this with an acrylic support.

Let me know if it works.