Two Level Mat Racks?

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
Hi Grumblers,

Several months ago I saw a 2 level mat rack made out of metal on a web page. (I thought it was PPFA or FramerSelect, but I can't find it again). It was a banner ad I think.

I'm trying to find a solution so we can have more mats with less space. Does anyone know the name of the company(or companies) that sell this animal?

Thanks in advance
Mike I got a two tier acrylic one from Olson Manufacturing. It really has cleared off the counter nicely. It is 36 inches long and also accomodates the 4 inch samples. I had 5 racks and now have one. Hope this helps.
We LOVE our 2-tier acrylic rack, too!

If you are looking for a two tier mat sample dislay check out Gemini Moulding. They make a nice acrylic display. 800-323-3537

If you are looking for a two leval mat board storage unit, Keencut has a modular system of framing tables & storage units. Their mat storage units can be stacked so you can store 1000 sheets of mat board in a 48inch space. 800-240-5336

We used both of these product in Atlanta at the Showcase Frame Shop & Gallery.

Cornerstone Frame Products
Thanks for all the great replies and info. I'll give them a call and order a sample rack right now.

Our new Crescent's just arrived and we don't have room for everything we want to display. This will do the trick and eliminate the old racks to free up more desk space.
