"Trying" to peel stamps off mailing tube from the Pope


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
Challenge!! I love a good challenge!

I have a mailing tube that contained my customers Papal Blessing for their Marriage that has these beautiful Italian stamps (in two different blocks) with rubber stamped cancellation/ notations.. that I want to remove and retain to use in the frame package design.

I am not afraid to try this... but my main concern is that the paper the tube is constructed from seems very thin and is wrapped diagonally (like Grands Muffin tube from the grocery store!... which reminded me of how I hurt my finger and have had a crooked/arthritic finger ever since - but had since forgotten that must have been a Papal revellation!) - okay no frankenthreading on my own thread...

Anyhow, has anyone had any experience with this quality of tube and subsequent removal of ephermera!??


Try steam.

That how I used to get my sister's mail open when we were kids.

If it doesn't work, don't blame the lapsed Catholic.
Ron, I intend to try steam on the stamps...but was hoping to cut through the paper on the tube to retain the cancelation (rubber) stamped verbage over the actual stamps... I guess I didn't 'spain myself very well before...

Either way I won't blaim the lapsed Catholic... that would be, ahem, the highest being of the grumble! :)


Roz, could you use a razor blade and cut a block out around the stamped/cancelled area (primarily cutting through the thin diagonal paper and possibly to the under paper of the tube), and then carefully peel it off the rest of the tube - you know, the way you peel the Bainbridge UPC bar codes off of the boxes for the rebate??? Wouldn't the stamps hold the diagonal paper wrapping together?

If you make the initial block cut bigger than the cancelation area, you will have some wiggle room.
I've peeled diagonal paper off of other tubes, but I am not sure how "thin" thin is in your case. I am assuming that you are worrying that the paper is so thin that it might tear as you peel it off of the sturdier tube paper?

Cool idea! Let us know what works!
I can't believe I am going to say this.... I have never done that before. While reading your post something did cross my mind, may be worth checking it out. There is a wallpaper remover, it is a liquid that you spray on old wallpaper and it almost just falls off the wall. You can probably get it at Home Depot or some such place. I definitely would try a test area before using it on your stamps and paper.

I don't know about the stamps, but if one of those Cardinals would clue the Pope in to this new invention called PAPER I'd be incredibly grateful.