trouble hanging metal mouldings


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Aug 9, 2003
setauket, ny
Does anyone else have trouble getting the metal mouldings to stick to the velcro displays? I am trying to show some Designer Moulding metal frames. The velcro sticks to the display, but the glue on the velcro won't hold on to the metal. I am thinking of trying some Super Glue or Crafter's Goop.
I don't know if they still have them, but I really like the hanging strips that Nielsen and Clark both sold at one time. Not the ones that require you to insert the little clip into each sample - the ones with the slots in the strips and the little plastic pyramids in each slot that the frame corners sit on.

Maybe someone with some verbal skills can explain what I'm talking about, or you could just look in whatever catalog you get Nielsen metals from.

You get nice, neat rows and perfect spacing with no velcro.
Yeah Ron, and if you bump into the display all those cute little pyramids fall out and you have metal frame corners clanging all over the floor! I prefer velcro cloth with the 90 degree shaped male velcro hangers that come with the Neilsen frames. They really stick good! Plus you can squeeze way more samples into your space than with the hanging strips. I use the hanging strips with the pyramids for the 97 and 98 profiles, and rarely a day goes by without me knocking at least one off the wall or askew.
How do tell the male Velcro from the female Velcro?

There are two kinds of plastic pyramids: black ones and grey ones. Clark made one, Nielsen made the other. One holds better.

I don't remember which one. Lately, at 5 p.m., my brain shuts down and my stomach starts growling.
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
[QB] How do tell the male Velcro from the female Velcro?

The correct term (Unless you are using Velcro brand fastener) is hook and loop. The hook is the male (scratchy) and the loop (soft, no other comment) is the female.

Nielsen does sell (as well as distributors) the 90 degree hook and loops. If you have access to the real Velcro brand then buy the industrial strength adhesive backed version and it will never fall off.
John's right. We've had great success with the Velcro brand.

Thanks everyone. I'll try the Velcro brand. I'd rather peel and stick then smell glue all day. I just got rid of the hanger-type device. I decided to use the wall space for framed samples rather than corner samples. Thanks for the help.
Just reglue the velcro with Gorrilla Glue(polyurethane)
glue it will never come off again
use sparingly and be neat this is a different acting adhesive as it cures with moisture the more moisture the more this adhesive foams and expands but it must have moisture to set you dont have to remove the old adhesive residue from either the velcro or the corner