Train frame

Marc Lizer

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 28, 1999
North Hollywood, CA
Mizz Po' saw the prototype of this in Vegas.

close up left close up right

And here is another one.

close up

Sometimes simple is good.

So what is it?

4 1/2 x 1 Solid Walnut.
Tung Oil finish (inside and out).
Plexi held 1/4 x 1/4 nailed stained wood.
Fabric on wood back.
Train Track for train mount.

Originally posted by Framing Goddess:
Very cool!
How do ya keep the train from rolling?
Edie, you just put a little scale model of my car waiting to cross the tracks when I'm already late for an appointment. The train won't move an inch!

Curiosity has me Marc, what is the timber used?
It is very simlar to one of our natives here (a member of the pine family, just).
It is Profile 742 from Foster Mldg.

They make it in Bass. A hardwood (whereas pine is not, but then again, Balsa is a hardwood too.)

I made one in Bass, but the wood is not too pretty. So I gussied up the frame with N-Gauge track across the face of the mldg. (Mitering THAT wat a pain).

I just wanted a better wood.

For a custom run, most to least was:
Bass (stock)

So I ordered stock in Walnut and Oak.

I thought about Koa
. . .

I would have thought Walnut to be a fortune. But it is not.

And Gawddess:
It just sits there. It is not attached. That would take all the fun out of it
Duh!! I posted an addition to this thread as a new topic!! My mind is on camping and not computers this morning. I apologize.

Go Here to see what was supposed to be on this thread.

I am going to leave now and build a big fire and enjoy nature.

I want to put a diarama that they sell in the train stores, but they are all too tall. You only see tree trunks, or the first floor of buildings.