Touching up a linen liner


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Oct 26, 2004
Wayzata, Minnesota
I just finished underpinning several white linen liners. A few of the corners are less than perfect. Not bad enough to redo but not as good as I would like. Any suggestions on touching up the corner of a linen liner.

Metro Photo & Frames
Wayzata, MN

What is wrong with your liners, fuzzy stuff at the miter joint, open miters, or something else??

You might try looking here for some help on your problem.

I am not aware of a way to "touch up" the mitered joint of a linen wrapped liner. You need to check the smoothness of the cut and the miter accuracy before you join as I don't think that there is any linen "putty" available for liners. :D

Use a NEW razor blade to ever so carefully "fluff" some liner fibers in towards the joint. Works like a charm.
A few joints are open just enough to show a line, special white liner joint putty would be perfect

The frames are small so it was harder to nudge, bend, twist and curse them into perfect position.

Often 3 corners are good and the fourth need help.

On these small liners ( and a lot of other frames) the bottom is small and a bit rounded making it harder to to get a perfect cut on the chopper.

Metro Photo & Frames
Wayzata, MN
Remake them. The more you "futz" with them, the worser they will look. And you're wasting time.

Liner stock is CHEAP. Frank's Fabric for Framers has stock, and fabric. He'll even throw in a "How-To" booklet that works and is easy to follow.

It is amazing how far a yard of $4/yd linen will go. Especially if you lay it before you join.

It's called "Upholstered Corners" and it's very attractive.

But we're still looking for that linen liner putty for you.....

Frank's: 888-332-2749. Frank is waiting.