Too Early? But it's free!

Any recomendations from "Grumblers" as to where to stay?
The Decor site was advertising $99 hotel rooms - If they're like the "flea-bags" that were recommended for Decor NYC - I'll pass.
Not this year. :( We're pushing our luck in traveling to Saratoga Springs with Mike's back. (He can't travel far and I do not fly).
It's OK Ruth, you made a very good choice; I wasn't planning to be teaching anything in Atlanta anyway. :D

And Steph insists that food and entertainment will be far superior.
I think we made a good choice too. This will be our first trip away in almost two years. Yes, the entertainment possibilities swayed our decision.

As far as the lodging goes...The less expensive lodging will not necessarily be less nice, but will certainly be farther away from the WCC. There are shuttles every 15 minutes.
Closest is the Omni (saves a dangerous stumble home after the Friday night get together), with the next being the Embassy Suites (Ruth's Chris on ground level) with breakfast buffet and happy hour included in price. Both are very close to MARTA making travel too and from the airport easy.
Booking through Ambassador Services is easy and from my experience as inexpensive as any other service. If you're the type to take your chances with price-line or some other service, you might be able to do better, but probably not in the premium hotels.
The Omni is part of the CNN tower which also houses McCormick and Schmick's Restaurant, the site of last years Grumble dinner.
So, It's Ellen, Baer and me so far with a maybe from Paul. (c'mon Paul, McCormick and Schmick's is worth the trip if nothing else).
Well.... I registered....

Could it be... might it happen.... do you reckon I just might make it this year?

(almost afraid to hope...)
Back to Atlanta, for those of us going to Decor Atlanta -

We have stayed at the Ramada the last two years and had a good stay. Need to take the shuttle to the Omini which was a bit difficult on the early class days but in full swing when the showcase was open. the rooms were clean and comfortable and the indoor pool was nice - food was good too although better the first year.

Though we may stay at the Omini to be close to the action this year. (It was always booked when we got around to making reservations)

We always stay in Alferetta and just drive the 15 minutes. The Hotels are cheaper and nicer, and there is alot of shopping around the hotel.

The Hampton and Ameri-Suites are very nice and usually only $89.00 a night for the week-ends.

I personally don't like staying down town Atlanta.

And Betty, you have to go! I am so looking forward to meeting everyone!

I couldn't find the class schedule on that page, Have they gotten it togather yet?
....i know it's early, but i really like steak and i've always wanted to eat at Ruth's Chris....
My husband and I will be attending. Looking forward to hopefully meeting some people from the G. We will be staying at the Embassy Suites.
Well Meci, if you're there and want to go to Ruth's just let me know!

Last time I was at Ruth's (In NY, not Atlanta) it was excellent; that Porterhouse was.....never mind, I am getting nostalgic!
Love to go, not sure as of yet though. Vegas was fun, but overwhelming first time out there. Think I will due a two dayer if I get the chance in Lanta.

We booked last week for the plane trip and staying again (3rd year) at Embassy suites. For the price, room, and what's included - you can't go wrong. It's also on the shuttle route.

We need to plan another Saturday night dinner. A great time was had by all last year, thanks to Barb Pelton's organizational skills.

Photos from 2005:;f=7;t=004306

Photos from 2004:;f=7;t=003283#000000

I always love the irony of picture framers discussing hotel rates and looking for cheaper alternatives than the high priced high end digs downtown

Do you think that on Hoteliers web site they refer to people that stay at Ramada's and such as "bottom feeders"?

One might think that those that espouse only that "finer" framing would be at the Ritz?

Back to the question-won't be in Atlanta, either. You might wish to check with Barb on coordinating any dinner. She and I were planning on spending that weekend in Ottawa

Okay, okay with our spouses doing PPFA work
We'll be there - Embassy Suites. It seems as if education is really looking better at Vegas (planning on that for the first time.)

It might be time to start a GDinner thread, though.....

At this time, I'm planning on being there at least a day or so. (I'd made plans a long time back to meet a friend in Atlanta that weekend and I know she's arranged for vacation time to come in for it, so I hate to go back on my word...I just won't get to be there as long as I would like to.)

As far as where to stay, I usually stay at the Omni because I'm rather fond of convenience. (Actually, being there on a broken foot last year made it necessary to stay there.)

I don't mind arranging the dinner again, but let's not start the "official" dinner thread quite yet. You can verbalize your plans to attend here, of course, but I will start the "official" dinner thread a little closer to the event so that I can get a more accurate count. (Plus, I just have too much going on right now to think about it!)

I think McCormick and Schmick's was well received, and so I will plan to make our arrangements there again unless there is a large outcry of protest. (mmmm, whatever I had there last year was quite delectable).

Bob, so I guess I'll see you in Ottawa, but I may try to avoid flying on the 5th anniversary of 9-11. I'm usually not superstitious, but that's a little creepy, even for me.
(Actually, being there on a broken foot last year made it necessary to stay there.)

Barb, ya gotta be kiddin'!!! :eek:


I remember the first time I met you, we were both gimping around on a broken foot apiece. Talk about the blind leading the blind!! :D

Maybe you and Wally and I can do our lunch get together this fall. I missed the last couple of years and I didn't get to do the lunch with y'all.

I wish I was kidding!
Yes, 'Guy, again.

I am destined to be The Once and Future Gimp.

That was break #5. It is so weird to look down and see a toe pointing nearly backwards--no doubt at that moment that it was much more than just a stumble. My foot doc, Zach, (yes, we are on a first name basis at this point) came out of surgery at his nurses request just to see My Foot. He couldn't believe I did that amount of damage just by walking into a door.

"I walk fast", I said.
"You won't be walking that fast anymore", he said, and he was right.

I was fresh off of crutches last year, still in the boot and spent some of the time there with a cane.

I no longer run through the house without contact lenses and shoes.

Lunch would be wonderful. Wally? You in?

"I'll meet you anytime you want at 'our <strike> Italian </strike> Mexican' restaurant."
Now, there's a lunch worth showing up for. Three of my favorite Grumblers gathered at once. I don't think you can throw a dead cat without hitting a Grumbler in Atlanta. Or however it is that Ron so eloquently puts it......
For whatever we end up doing, Count Andy, Dan, and I in. (3)

It would be great if we could do the food court thing, sharing a group of tables, but I hear it's almost impossible to find a place to sit because it is so busy.

Sure, Friday or Saturday? Sunday would be cutting it too close for comfort with my flight out.
So where are we having dinner this year? Same place? Something new?

Any comments?
Originally posted by Emibubba:
I don't think you can throw a dead cat without hitting a Grumbler in Atlanta. Or however it is that Ron so eloquently puts it......
That quote makes me laugh every time I hear it, but the credit goes to Mark Twain! Ok, Ron gets credit for making it mainstream Grumbleeze.

Mike, I think the same place. McCormick and Schmick's was a good place, and convenient. It was easier to move around and visit with others than the seating arrangements at Pitty's. Food was good. Later, some of us simply moved upstairs to the bar and continued conversations, so that was convenient. The staff was very professional.

I heard last year that some thought it was too pricey for their wallet, but you get what you pay for in my opinion. After tax and gratuity, dinner ran about $45. per. I don't think we could do much better in downtown Atlanta for quality and convenience.

The only 2 hitches last year were these: there were a lot of last minutes drop outs and add-ons to the dining roster which made it challenging. We ended up short about 5 seats and it took a while to find extra seats as the restaurant was full. It turned out OK, and I realize some people can't give a definitive answer until the last moment, but if one more person had shown up, we would have had to turn them away, due to our contract. I'll try to secure extra seats this year a couple of hours before dinner so that we don't have people standing waiting.

The other was some were confused over the bill. They will only break down the bill by table, but dinner is a set price for everyone PLUS your "drinks". So, someone at each table needs to be the accountant and let the waiters know how much to charge each credit card. Not as convenient as individual tickets, but I assure you, NO ONE is going to give individual tickets to a party of 40-50.

This is my personal preference, but I'll take the party wherever the majority wants. If I hear an resounding appeal for another place, we'll go!
I found it convenient too. They allowed us to take up a large section of the restaurant for several hours, and the staff was extremely nice.

Finding everyone seats was a bit of a challenge, but it all worked out for the best. It was like musical chairs and was easy to mingle, UNLIKE Pitty Pats which was cramped and HOT.

My only suggestion would be to get opinions on the menu choices. While their specialty is seafood, and i'm a seafood lover, not everyone is. This was one concern I heard last year.

Let's make this one the biggest gathering yet!

I won't be attending the PPFA's OMNIbar event Friday because of a previous committment, but look forward to the Saturday Grumbler dinner!

They had a pretty good if not extensive "land food" menu as well. I'm sure they could incorporate a steak or chicken dish into the selection for those not enamored with seafood.
I thought it was among the best large-party dinners I've ever enjoyed. The food & service were relatively good, and the companionship of fellow framers was great fun.

One improvement might be to have a meeting room or more-private area for our dinner. I know McCormick & Schmick's has them, but perhaps not one large enough. What about the restaurant upstairs, directly above McCormick & Schmick's?

Last year we were seated smack in the middle of the restaurant, with couples & families filling the booths all around us. Those other diners had to suffer through our rather loud & boisterous laughter and conversations from one table to another. I'm sure they would have better enjoyed dinner without the disruption of such a large group.

The money thing is always an issue. Having one person at each table keep track of the drink tabs makes a lot of sense.
Good suggestion.
They only have about 5 entrees for large groups to choose from, and we have to narrow it down to 3.

Last year I had an appeal to include at least one vegetarian selection. Once they give me the original selection, I'll post all of the selections and maybe everyone can chime in to tell me what to select for the 3?
Maybe we could have a poll for the menu?

Mmmmm, it will be hard to get the seafood down to one selection if we a vegetarian and an alternate meat selection, but my goodness, I haven't had a bad dish from there yet-but we'll see how the poll goes I guess.---great, now I'm hungry!

Jim, no that particular McCormick and Schmick's does not have a separate room. Odd, isn't it, considering it's location. I recall you were very gracious with keeping the accounting at your table, even if you did refuse my "special" calculator. I'll bring an improved model for your use this year! hehe
A poll sounds GREAT! I can set that up when its time, if you want.

Mike (getting hungry)