To Infinity and Beyond

Rick Granick

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Resource Provider
Jun 30, 1999
Cincinnati, OH
I was informed by United that my back-ordered Infinity Hangers are, in fact, discontinued</>! Now we're talking about the brass ones too, not just the black ones. I've become extremely fond of these things, so I ordered a couple thousand of them directly from Frameware before they get a notion to discontinue them too. (Had to pad the order out to a $100 minimum with other stuff :mad: .)
I know I'm a snob when it comes to certain things, but I think these are the best new hardware item to come along in years, and yet they can't sell enough of them to keep them in the catalog? What's so ****in' great about screw eyes?
I'm with you Rick.........

Once I learned of Infinity Hangers, I was stuck on them! I've had NO problems with their quality and certainly no customer complaints. Screw eyes stick out TOO much!!

So......let's hope United reconsiders!!
Rick, I don't think I've ever seen you use the :mad: or the
graemlin. You must really like Infinity hangers. I don't know what they are. I'll look them up. :cool:
The Infinity hanger in Black and Brass are no longer being manufactured by Frameware or anyone else. I spoke to Frameware this morning. Frameware has 260,000 of brass Infinity hangers in inventory and no black. When the 260,000 pcs are gone that will be that. If anyone wants to purchase some of the brass, we will specal order them for you. Although this hanger was innovative and well liked by a few framers, sales were not robust enough to keep this item available. That is how it goes. Had the product been more popular it would still be available.
OK, framers, let's start ordering them. If Peter gets orders for a million or so, perhaps FrameWare would reconsider dropping this product.

Unfortunately, this excellent product has gone without proper promotion. Most framers still have no idea they exist.

I haven't used a screweye since 1996. WallBuddies are my first choice for general purpose hanging hardware, but when a wire is necessary for any reason, Infinity hangers are my choice.

Hey, Peter:
How much do you suppose FrameWare would want for the tooling to make these little gems?
I love them, especially the black ones. I bend them for small compact offsets. I also use them as turn buttons. Please! someone pick up this most helpful piece of hardware.

I'm with Jim and others...........

SOMEONE out there must be able to make them!!

Peter - if there were a way for you to get more in stock, I'd say how about taking some of those brass ones you have left and passing them out as samples at the WCAF trade show (so framer's could learn about them)? FYI - I prefer the black ones (should you get the opportunity to order more).

Perhaps "Mr. Wallbuddie" could make Inifinity Hangers on the side!! How about it Darrell??

As they say, "there's more than one way to skin a cat"!
Glad to see others stepping up to rally for the poor neglected Infinity. I agree with Jim that they just haven't been promoted enough. For me it was "love at first use".
:cool: Rick
Frameware is willing to sell the tooling to manufacture the Infinity hangers. I am not interested but I am sure that some enterprising individual will be. The price for the tooling is $7500.00 USD and will include the 260,000 Brass Infinity Hangers now in stock. Of course the tooling will do you no good without the stamping press that holds the tooling. Frameware is also willing to sell the stamping press for $18,000.00 USD. If Interested contact Frameware directly at

You are familiar with the Greek infinity sign? It's like a figure eight, on it's side.

You just put a provided screw through the one hole & use the other hole for wire or as a turn button.

Peter- Thanks for checking into that. I hope someone does pick up the ball and run with it. Sounds like something any mfg. shop in China could do in their spare time with their eyes closed. It'd be nice to have them made here in the good ol' USA though.

If you have Acrobat Reader installed you can see a picture of them by viewing this pdf file. It's item #2002B: