To Corn-y From Hip-py


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 21, 2005
Carson City, Nevada
Happy Corneal Transplant tomorrow!!
Just in case you're still awake (and I'd bet you are!) I'll be thinkin' about ya all day tomorrow.
I share your pain, been there, done some of my own going on right now, but on the way to a full recovery. Since you're getting the second one done, you're on your way too!
Be SEE-ing you! :eek:
Oops, just in case anyone missed it, that was meant for our friend Paul. He's about to undergo a painful corneal transplant, his second one. A long recovery, and my hat's off to him. He'll be on the mend in no time!
Thanks Val!

It is now 8 am Thursday morning, operation at 3 pm, 7 hours to go.....and I haven't eaten since midnight and feeling woozy! I need my coffee and breakfast to function....and it will be another 12 hours before I get to eat and God know how long before a glass of wine. Now, this is he11! LOL

Thanks for your thoughts and wishes. I hope I remember to remind the surgeon it is the RIGHT eye he needs to operate on, not the other one... :cool: things happen.

"See" y'all later.

I hope that all goes well for you and recovery is swift. The benefits far outweigh the anxiety of the operation and the recovery period.

I had a lense implant a few years ago on my right eye and it was over a year before my left eye was done. When I went into the OR, I had one of the nurses take a red marker and draw a small arrow on the left side of my forehead above my eyebrow, I wasn't taking any chances on that little foreign surgeon mistaking anything that may have been lost in translation!!!

God speed your recovery and good sight to you.

My sister in law went through this and it saved her vision.

A little anxiety now (or a lot if it was me) but a big pay off later.

Don't worry about the wine, it just has to age a bit more before you get to it.

Speedy recovery, take care and enjoy the down time as much as you can.
Good luck Paul and hurry up and recover fast so you can Grumble again soon.

When I first saw my incision when they changed the dressing on my zipper-butt, there's a big red YES written in red marker! I'm considering getting a tattoo there of that! No chance of confusion on the next one, with that 6-inch zipper scar there!
Paul, next time you read this, it will be one-eyed, and you will be enjoying the benefits of good drugs (Far-out,Man!) and food and wine (uh...they will caution you that alcohol will increase the affects of the drugs..I'm sure you will heed that, right? Ha!)
SEE ya soon! ;) (one-eyed winky guy there)
Hope your operation was a success. Wishing you a speeding recovery.
An update: Howz your Blonde Buxom Eyeball?? :eek:

I'm having Hip #2 installed next Tuesday. Then my right knee replaced some time later this year.

Hip #1 is doing great...pain-free!! #2 is dying rapidly. Can't wait!

I was thinking about your operation this morning!

6 more days for you and then you'll be as good as new, our Bionic Framer...

We are praying and wishing you good luck with the operation already.

AS for the "new" eye, it actually improved a lot, looks human again.. ;)

But the allergy season just started (or has it ever ended??). Both eyes itchy today..
hate that.