Thomas Arvid caught a gallery selling illegal copies of his work this past week.
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My question is as a gallery owner is it my responsibility to investigate every single piece of art that I purchase to see if it is an illegal copy? I buy art all the time from people that walk in off the street, some are artist, some are sales reps. I didn't actually see the artist paint the picture I purchased I don't know that the sales rep is not making copies at home without the artist permission.
What do we do to protect us?
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My question is as a gallery owner is it my responsibility to investigate every single piece of art that I purchase to see if it is an illegal copy? I buy art all the time from people that walk in off the street, some are artist, some are sales reps. I didn't actually see the artist paint the picture I purchased I don't know that the sales rep is not making copies at home without the artist permission.
What do we do to protect us?