Tips for Cutting Suede Mats

Lisa A

True Grumbler
Jan 20, 2004
Haymarket, VA
I'm cutting a couple of suedes for the first time and want to make sure I don't make any mistakes on these. :eek: I've done a search here on the Grumble and found a few suggestions but wondered if anyone has any others?

I've already heard to set your blade slightly lower and to use suede as a slip sheet. Is there anything else I should know?

It sounds like many of you do a reverse bevel which I could understand when it's up against a dark image or another dark mat. One of the prints I'm doing will have some of the white showing to display the artist signature so I probably won't reverse bevel that one.

I'm using a Logan 760 Simplex Plus to cut these if that helps.

I appreciate any tips anyone can pass on to me.


Lisa A.
Use a fresh, sharp blade and set the depth as appropriate for the thickness of the board. (Crescent Moorman is thicker than Bainbridge.)

I've never used anything other than a standard board for a slip sheet with suede.

Get one of those lint rollers to clean the mat just before you fit it.

Piece of cake. Much easier than linens or silk 'cause you don't have to line up weave lines and worry about fraying on cut edges.

I love the suedes and stock nearly all of them.
When cutting two or more mats from the same suede board, I like to keep the nap(?)going in the same direction so they will match. Flip the boards around and you'll see what I mean. Proper terms seem to fail me at the moment. I think I need

Good luck. Suedes are beautiful and easy to use. Another tip: scuffs and indentions can usually be removed by holding a steam iron over the board and very lightly steaming. Just don't get too close and do it before you cut the opening.

1) Sharp blade

2) set to right depth

3) we use a vacuum with a brush to clean the suede and raise the nap on the board - the brush is only used for the suedes/ceylon mats and nothing else - this works well and the mats look beautiful

I cut suedes without a slip. Do not put much pressure on the hold down bar to avoid creases. Practice with the extra end pieces. I had almost forgotten in the beginning days I always did a test of my blade on a strip of the mat board prior to cutting the actual mat.