Time Warner Road Runner


True Grumbler
Jan 2, 2002
North Carolina
Couldn't help but notice some Road Runner grumbling in previous posts. After a couple of years of barely adequate service, Road Runner has become truly pathetic in our area lately. I'm talking about almost DAILY outages and slowdowns for a month or more now.

Road Runner service technicians freely admit there is some sort of chronic problem at the hub which serves our community and that almost every subscriber has been affected. They are "working on it."

It's really a shame, because when a cable modem works as it should, it's a tremendous leap forward from dialup.
That's a very interesting and enlightening post. I'm about to get RR. I live in Clayton. I know several people who have it and their connect speed varies from a low of around 500kbps to 1.8Mbps, which is faster than a T1 line.

I know that some cable hubs are chronically in 'trouble'. You have given me food for thought. I'm pretty much settled in on RR, though. As I said, most people connect at better than 1meg, and DSL isn't available. I live too far from The Central Office.

I'll let you know how it works out.
We had RR at home through our cable company, Cox.
They just dropped RR because of so many complaints and have changed to a different supplier.
We have the frame shop here wired up with Cox business internet. (cable) and couldn't be happier. I don't think there has been an outtage yet in the past 6 months.

The only thing they really screwed up on was when it converted from @home to Cox. That first couple weeks was a mess because they under estimated the demand on the DNS servers, mail servers, and equipment.

At another one of my businesses we have DSL from Verizon. The Cox service is exponentially faster, IMO. I can get 500k/sec+ on ftp sites with the COX, while only about 45k w/DSL. (an old dialup modem gets about 6k max)

I find the internet to be an invaluable tool for business, ordering, and research; at the frame shop. (It's a good time killer in between customers during the slow times, too!)
