Thumbnail Joiner

Art On Canvas

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jun 24, 2002
St. Louis, MO
Made by Neilsen & Bainbridge, I used it before I bought the underpinner. Since it's been gathering dust. It comes with a spare bit and three bags of thumbnails 3/8, 5/8 and 7/8 plus the instructions and tools to adjust and to change bits. Is $200.00 for all plus UPS OK?
Did someone buy the Thumbnailer? It's not that I am interested. Actually, I recieved one in a lot of equipment I purchased, but I have a CS89 and don't seem to need it at all. I was wondering if there was a market for this thing??

Cliff Wilson
Framed in Tatnuck
Sorry, I just re-read my post.

To clarify ... I bought a CS89 brand new, so don't need the Thumbnailer. The CS89 is NOT available.

I got a few emails looking for a CS89. :eek:

I guess I have to be more careful how I word my posts.

Hi Don: Did you sell the thumbnail joiner? I replaced the motor in mine last year and would have bought yours in a heart beat if I saw it before hand. Anyway, If you haven't sold it I would be interested in the plugs. If you could tell me how many you have of each size and how much you want for them?
Thanks, Eagleman