CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Hey guys!
Ive got this Fletcher Matmate Oval/Circle cutter which has been working for about three years. It is very efficient and cuts perfectly aligned bevels on openings until one of the four pins used to steady it broke. Its been difficult trying to cut ovals since the arm seems to tilt the base offline so the blade lines seldom meet. Havent found any replacements anywhere. Have any of you guys got this problem with your oval cutter? Can I use some sort of a pin to replace the broken foot? Help will be appreciated..thanks
Ive got this Fletcher Matmate Oval/Circle cutter which has been working for about three years. It is very efficient and cuts perfectly aligned bevels on openings until one of the four pins used to steady it broke. Its been difficult trying to cut ovals since the arm seems to tilt the base offline so the blade lines seldom meet. Havent found any replacements anywhere. Have any of you guys got this problem with your oval cutter? Can I use some sort of a pin to replace the broken foot? Help will be appreciated..thanks