Thinning The Herd

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
Several weeks ago, I ordered a sampling of samples from Nelson Moulding in Michigan. I was expecting about 50.

When the boxes arrived, I was talking to my L-J rep. In fact, she helped me move them. She was skeptical when I told her there about 50 samples, since there were three very large boxes.

Turns out they sent me 252 samples over a very nice range, and I've been puling samples for the past week to make room for them. Most of the ones I pulled are L-J, since that's about 80% of what was up there.

That was very traumatic for me. I put them in numbered banker's boxes and updated the computer database so I can find any of the pulled samples if I need to.

I'm showing 2057 wood samples and there are another 1200 in numbered boxes. It's a good thing I don't have more wall space or they'd ALL be up there.
Just when would you say "You know what? I don't want another sample!"

I think your addicted. I'm up to about 700. Look at me go!
I'm with you Ron, I've got over 3000 on the walls/spindles and probably around 1500 in boxes.

About Nelson Moulding....
They have a great line, as you can see from the samples. One thing that has stood out about them in my mind is that they take the time to touch up each and every frame with a sanding disk prior to sending it out. At least they did several years ago.
Allen, they still do.

The only small annoyance I've encountered so far is that they put a suggested retail price on the sample labels. Not surprising, they don't look anything like my retail prices.
And if you order chop from Nelson, they'll mark the ends with x's and o's to show you which joins to which. Very helpful.

I too seem to have an addiction to collecting corner samples. It is very nice to have the lot downstairs I can go to when searching for the best frame. I have a basement and have attached this rug I had laying around to the hugs beems for the velcro effect. Works very well.
I have been trying to get my own "sample herd" thinned out. I am always torn when it comes to WIlliamson, they have consistent sellers but I am really sick of the out-of-stock, takes-forever-to-get-it-since-closing-the-Texas-warehouse thing. I am trying out Roma and Omega as new vendors, but so far they haven't been a booming success...I have been selling more LaMarche than usual and so far have not encountered any problems (ooo, I bet I just put a hex on next order will be out of stock for months!!!)
Hugs and kisses are all well and good but the absolute best is Julie at Superior, who always shows up with chocolate.


Edit: MM, I'm so glad that you could read that.
Oh, am I.
It's not missed 'til it is.......don't take for granted anything.