Several weeks ago, I ordered a sampling of samples from Nelson Moulding in Michigan. I was expecting about 50.
When the boxes arrived, I was talking to my L-J rep. In fact, she helped me move them. She was skeptical when I told her there about 50 samples, since there were three very large boxes.
Turns out they sent me 252 samples over a very nice range, and I've been puling samples for the past week to make room for them. Most of the ones I pulled are L-J, since that's about 80% of what was up there.
That was very traumatic for me. I put them in numbered banker's boxes and updated the computer database so I can find any of the pulled samples if I need to.
I'm showing 2057 wood samples and there are another 1200 in numbered boxes. It's a good thing I don't have more wall space or they'd ALL be up there.
When the boxes arrived, I was talking to my L-J rep. In fact, she helped me move them. She was skeptical when I told her there about 50 samples, since there were three very large boxes.
Turns out they sent me 252 samples over a very nice range, and I've been puling samples for the past week to make room for them. Most of the ones I pulled are L-J, since that's about 80% of what was up there.
That was very traumatic for me. I put them in numbered banker's boxes and updated the computer database so I can find any of the pulled samples if I need to.
I'm showing 2057 wood samples and there are another 1200 in numbered boxes. It's a good thing I don't have more wall space or they'd ALL be up there.