Jean McLean
CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Well now that I stirred up some reactions about the "big guys" cutting mats for framers, etc. I think it is time to say something else to make you think twice about owning a CMC.......why buy one? Why should you spend anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000 getting your own CMC when you can just order the mats from Larson or whoever? The machine takes a lot of money, a lot of space and the learning process is time consuming. If I had it to do all over again I would probably reconsider my purchase. Yes, it makes my life easier but if I cannot sell the mats I am no further ahead. When I purchased my CMC no "big guys" were using them. If they were, I would not have bought one and just ordered from my supplier and tacked on a little extra to my customer and put that original investment into the market. I would be further ahead. So, all you framers out there who are thinking of buying a CMC....think long and hard. They are expensive and getting to be a dime a dozen. In a few more years you will see the market flooded with second hand CMC's for sale. You might be smart to wait and in the meantime....order from (I would like to add my telephone number again but won't. I got my point across and know when enough is enough). In the meantime, my phone isn't ringing off the hook with CMCless framers wanting mats so guess most of us have one now eh? See,it won't be long. I have to add another is one thing to call a supplier and order ten 16 x 20 double mats but having someone's artwork in front of me lets me be much more creative in designing a masterpiece for them. It would be this way for any framer who orders mats from someone else. There is no personal touch. Owning your own CMC gives you this advantage. I had to say this as I don't want you to all think I am totally negative. I'm not. I just say think twice about spending big bucks. If you can get mats easily from your supplier you may be further ahead.
Jean in Maine.
Jean in Maine.