SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Grumblers often ask conservation physics type questions that I kind of know the answer to, but not in precise detail. The recent question about light is one that got me scurrying to the website of my favorite conservation scientist, Tim Padfield.
While looking at articles on light (which are very interesting but didn't quite answer the specific question that occured to me...)I started poking around in other sections.
And stumbled on "The Hunt Ball" a story about microclimates.
I think you will love it (I did) and it also addresses many questions that Grumblers have asked about microclimates inside frames, and temperature changes.
While looking at articles on light (which are very interesting but didn't quite answer the specific question that occured to me...)I started poking around in other sections.
And stumbled on "The Hunt Ball" a story about microclimates.
I think you will love it (I did) and it also addresses many questions that Grumblers have asked about microclimates inside frames, and temperature changes.