The 'Quiet Saw'


Grumbler in Training
Mar 26, 2005
Los Angeles
I know, I know...another SAW question.
Does anyone remember "The Quiet Saw" a single fixed-45-degree saw made in the mid-90's by a guy in Washington state. It worked completely different than any other single-bladed saw but it seemed to be VERY accurate. Alas, he went out of business before I could buy one. Anyone use this saw?
Was that the belt driven one that had supports extending out at 90 dergees? I thought it was a neat idea, but the footprint was a bit of a challenge when every other tool was basically linear.
Yep, that's the saw. I understand that there was more than one 'generation' of this saw, the guy kept improving it. I wonder if anyone on this forum actually bought (owns) one of these saws? I'd sure like to know what an actual user thought of it. No company has ever copied the basic 'right angle' of how it worked. I'd love to see a picture of it, if anyone has one.