The New Wizard


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 11, 2003
new england
Is anyone as frustrated with the new Wizard as I am? When we got our first one it was out of the box and cutting in 4 hrs. We loved it! I got the new one about a month ago and it still doesn’t cut like the old one.
We’re getting a lot of hooks and over / under cuts. The whole blade depth thing (which we thought would be a fantastic improvement) is making us nuts. Is every mat board a different thickness? Double alpha mat and it cuts through the first and not the second. We still have not gotten it to successfully cut an 8 ply.

Don’t get me wrong, I expected some learning curve and there is a lot that I love about the new Wizard; V Grooves, multi openings, auto sizing, merging openings the list goes on and on.

Anyone else feeling the same?
I have found slight variations in thickness and density of matboards make a difference in what I select for cutting depth. I use 12 for 4 ply Crescent, 13 for 4 ply Bainbridge and Miller, 14 for solid core, and 15 for Moormans. I have found 8 ply Crescent cuts better than 8 ply Bainbridge. Crescent is less dense, so I only sell Crescent 8 ply. I have no problem with 6 ply Bainbridge.

The hooks and over/undercuts can be worked with in the calibration. I would call Wizard and have them work with you on it. Once you know what to do, you can manipulate it on your own.
That's interesting. I have been using 10 for all 4-ply and 12 for the suedes with no problem of overcuts or incompleted cuts. But, I do notice occasional hooks and "waving" in the cuts, which seem to go away if I change blades.

The "waving" actually looks like the bevel changes angle across the cut. I seem to be the only one that sees it!
:confused: But it's there! I have been changing the blades more frequently (every four mats or so depending on size) and haven't noticed it as much when keeping the blades fresh and sharp.

I haven't used any other CMC except this one, so I assumed this was normal! :eek:

I would think that extending the blade more would increase the chance of it flexing thus a higher potential for hooks??
I don't have the new Wizard and I am not a computer nor mat expert but maybe I can make a suggestion.
A long time ago my wife Marie was a "Key Punch' operator"(That was the machine that punched the holes in those OLD IBM cards.LOL) The reason I mention this is she had a close relationship with the IBM techs. They informed her that the reason for card jams in the machines could be the Humity in the atmosphere in the room the machine was located. By this they ment that more moisture in the air the more the card stock would swell ( Be it very slight it still made a differance).
So too ,I suppose ,it is true of mats and where they are cut and when. So the settings on a machine in Arizona will be completely different than those in N.O.and the mats cut during the rainy season could be ever so slightly thicker than those cut in the dryer time.
This coupled with the fact that all machinery is sligtly imperfect can mean that no two macines will calibrate the same. Nor will the calibration always remain costant (Ware and tare).
Also I thought it was common knowledge that the extension of the balde on any cutter can alter the postion of the cutting edge by moving it forward or backward ever so sligly and thus makeing it undercut or over cut.Not to mention that a blade that is extended too far will tend to FLEX a slight bit and will cause HOOKs. All of this is true in any mat cutting devise and if you are constantly chageing the blade depth you will need to consider all the consequences.But atleat there is ,as i understand it,a measureing device to know exactly where you are putting the blade depth at each time.
But then maybe ,since i don't own one ,I am misunderstanding a new concept.
Lots of questions here.. Rich first:
Double alpha mat and it cuts through the first and not the second. We still have not gotten it to successfully cut an 8 ply.
When it doesn't cut through, is it usually in the same spot on the mat? Or is it a pretty consistant depth? It might be a problem with your head, but I kinda suspect an air problem too. The new 8000 is a little more tempramental when it comes to consistant air pressure. Also, on the first mat that does cut, how far is it scoring in the slip-sheet? You may just want to dial it down a bit further when you cut. I also see you called the support desk on the 27th to adjust the overcuts - did that not help?

Cliff next:
But it's there! I have been changing the blades more frequently (every four mats or so depending on size) and haven't noticed it as much when keeping the blades fresh and sharp.
You may have a batch of bad blades - take one out after you start getting the wavy cuts and take a look at the tip. If it looks even remotely bent then I would point my finger at that. You may want to call up and ask for a new box and see if that makes a difference (and make sure to mention your wavy-ness problem).

And Buddy, yeah, we actually have one customer that keeps their Wizard in a non-climate controlled warehouse. They use different (albeit only slightly) configs for morning and afternoon cutting.
Steve, Thanks, When I read your post I went in back to check my old blades. There were still 6 there I hadn't thrown away yet. Two of them DO look slightly bent. VERY slightly though. One of them actually as the tip broken off!?

I will call and let them know.

So, how often should I change blades on average? I know you can't be exact because conditions vary etc etc, but am I way off at about 4 - 16 x 20s?

Thanks again, Cliff
Ok, so I called the help desk. After some experiments, we changed the configuration and I am now cutting at 8 for 4-ply boards. And things look pretty good! The support person's guess was the blades were pushing too far into the slip sheet, thus causing bending. He believes the adjustment we just made should take care of the problem, and if not call back! VERY helpful! Should have called sooner!

Our Wizard is coming in a couple weeks and our current compressor won't be able to handle it. Are there any recommended compressors that are suitable?

It's going in the basement below the shop, so noise isn't as much of a concern as reliability and volume.

What do you use with yours?


[ 11-10-2003, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
I don't know about noisy compressors, but because noise is an issue for my shop I use a Jun-air. It was expensive, but it has been pressurized for almost 9 years now with no problems. It works fine with my new Wizard.

This IS a good tax year for write-offs of equipment.

Pat :D
I guess I'll be calling Wizard to see if I can get "8" to cut a 4 ply board! It doesn't, but maybe that is why I don't get a good cut for 8 ply Bainbridge. Only trouble will be changing all the settings I currently have worked out. Thanks for the input.