MGF, Master Grumble Framer
I searched for some info on this topic, and read some very interesting things, and decided to bring it up again anyway. I understand that there are several home-based framers on the Grumble, and I have been thinking of adding myself to the list. Just a quick preface as to why... I have been working full time (as an employee) as a framer for about 7 years. It's getting to be that time that I feel the need to reproduce... and I have been struggling with how to juggle raising a family and still being able to maintain some sort of income. I've kicked around a lot of different options and have come to the realization that I really love framing and I would be miserable doing anything else... plus I like to think that I'm good at it. Anyway, opportunity knocked and I was able to buy basically the full contents of a frame shop (except the customer list) for a really good price. So I did. Now it's time to kick myself into gear and do something, instead of just dreaming about it. I was thinking of starting small, out of our barn, in a respectable space, to begin with and let the future bring what it brings... I understand that with a relatively low traffic area, my best offense will be marketing, and word of mouth... and of course I will forsake LJ, but is there anything else I should consider? Is there anyone who can give me some advice on this topic? Like which vendors still deal with at-homers, any pitfalls waiting for me, how to keep my dogs out of the framers putty?