Thanks, Wizard!

Terry Scidmore CPF

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Jul 5, 2001
Seattle, WA 98168
My old Wizard computer needed to have its battery changed, and in doing so, the computer has gone bongo and isn't working properly. So typical - a simple thing turns into a big ordeal!

Anyhoooo, Brian at Wizard has been fantastic! He has tried his darndest to get this computer up and running, and suggested a number of things to check.

What really impressed me is he called back on his own a few days after our last talk just to see if the problem was getting resolved.

What great customer service!

This computer is sooo old that Wizard doesn't need to take the time to help me out, but they have!

Thanks! You guys deserve a gold star!
Yep Yep=--Wizards they are!!

always came through for us when needed! and sometimes when we were just being dumb they still helped!!

I am not a jump on the band wagon person but I will also, concur!~ The staff at Wizard has always put forth a grand effort!~ Guess that is why they are leaders in their market!~
Thank you Wizard employees!~ Robert , Danni, Lenny and the matrix of other support staff!~