Thanks to Mike-L@GTP


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 12, 2001
Middleburg, FL
semi retired
I just wanted to publicly thank Mike Labbe for being there for technical assistance.
He has helped me immensely by suggesting we register our domain names...that got me started and now I have a website up and running...something I had been meaning to do for quite awhile.
He has also helped me with other questions on forum and off.

Thanks for being such a good guy and sharing your knowledge with us all so freely.
Mike's technical knowledge, and willingness to share it with his fellow Grumblers, are staggering
Thanks but that's really not necessary.

I've taken FAR more from the grumble than i've given, as a recent (just under 3 years) framing novice and business owner.

This board IS the pulse of the industry and has been an INVALUABLE resource, thanks to contributors such as Ron. It's the least I can do to give back in the only way i'm able.

Thanks for the kind words
Oh, oh.

It's "under construction," as they say - just a few days old. Every time I look at it, I find typos or things that look/sound just, plain stupid.

Also, it's a tad thin on content while I gather up photos of actual framing. So far, there are NONE.

There was some urgency about getting it started, though, which may be apparent to anyone who looks at it. If you're the kind of Grumbler who rolls his eyes and says, "Geez, I can't believe he did that!" you may want to wait a week-or-two.

Right now it's like the hand-written sign on the door that says, "Closed due to family emergency."
I think Mike brings alot to the grumble and I thank him for his help as well.

I did check your new site Deb and it is great! Also checked out Ron's - It is so "Ron" - I love it! Especially the self portrait.
I love the caricature of you in the frame shop.

Good start, Ron...I did notice a typo on the opening page. You and your "parter". I'm really good at spotting those things for some reason.
'Preciate it, Deb. I'll fix it right now.

The guy who drew the charicature is an old friend and poker buddy who used to work for me. He's an interesting guy and a fair artist, but a lousy framer.

He's probably reading The Grumble.
"Closed due to family emergency."
I kind of got that from the Website. I hope everything works out for you. This could be a really ruff move on the business. It will be difficult to get your customers to drive 50 miles to see you or even to let you pick up and deliver. Some will though, I hope it will be enough of them.

Are you going to have an external building with a sign? If so, you may not loose any suppliers.

If you can make this work, it would be the ideal lifestyle. I know I would love to have a setup similar to Betty's setup, even though I have never seen it. I love the idea of it anyway.

Good Luck

I sure hope you can get dial up out there in the boonies. We wouldn't want to loose you here as well.
How did this get to be about ME? We were talking about Mike.

Both of my current ISPs have local numbers in the boonies. That's one reason I chose them.
about you is fine with me. heh
I too would like to thank Mike for all that he brings to the table; er, or would that be G-able? :D

<font size=1> Nice site Ron.</font>