Thanks Mike @ GTP!!!

Barb Pelton

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 14, 2002
The Show Me State
A public display of my gratitude is in order here!

Mike allowed me to call him and he spent over an hour of his TIME (Most Valuable Commodity) to walk me through the last stages of networking my computers. He even spent extra time later at home to solve a problem that we encountered during the process, and followed up with me later. I am extremely grateful for your help, Mike, and you deserve a public pat on the back for your unselfish efforts! Thanks for helping me out.
As our businesses begin to move toward 20th-century technology (yes, I know it's the 21st now) the selfless guidance of guys like Mike and WizSteve and some other Geeks-Who-Know-Something-About-Framing becomes more and more valuable.

We don't always remember to thank them, and sometimes we don't want to hear what they have to say, but there's no question that The Grumble wouldn't be the same without them.

I think I'll copy this to a Zip disk and post it later - from my Toshiba laptop, running Windows ME with a dial-up internet connection. :D
My pleasure Barb

It was nice speaking with you on the phone. I updated the networking help file a bit to address some of the difficulties you experienced. Networking FAQ Some day, i'll finish it!


I think I'll copy this to a Zip disk and post it later - from my Toshiba laptop, running Windows ME with a dial-up internet connection.

[ 10-29-2003, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
I think I'll copy this to a Zip disk and post it later - from my Toshiba laptop, running Windows ME with a dial-up internet connection.
Yes, that was funny. Thanks for the laugh.... :cool: