Instead of a percent off, give a dollar amount off. It is surprising how many people read them as the same, so you get the credit either way. We print up business card size coupons on Micro Publisher in varying amounts depending on what they spend. $10 for $200, $15 for $300, etc up to $50 for $1000. I keep these people in a database, with number of frames sold and number of cards of each denomination sent. It is amazing to me that we have sent them to over 400 DIFFERENT people in the year plus we have been keeping track. I never would have believed it! The cards insert into a thank you note from Abbott, so they get "grateful for your business" words printed and a note "We enjoyed framing your lovely _______" Roger & Ellen Collins. We get about 20% back. One guy wanted to know if he could use two $50 cards on a single order. Oh, yes... that meant he had spent at least $2000 recently. Of COURSE you can! (Still got another $300 out of him...) He was sooo tickled!