Thank you all

Uncle Eli

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Malibu CA.
I just recived my Photo frames in the mail today for winning in the specialty mat category, and let me just say WOW!!! They're all absolutely amazing. Thank you to Cornel, American Choice, Jay H, everyone that helped make this competion happen, and to all the other contestants and voters. It was a close race in most of the categories. I finished 2nd in a few others, and amy going to strive for Baer's Status next year and be excluded from winning multiple first place Prizes. All of the work was amazing, GOOD JOB ALL!!!! AND THANK YOU
The examples submitted in the competition were ALL truly awesome!
Yes Erik, good show. [They are pretty amazing frames aren't they. They paper backing and box wraps are hand made.

Thanks again Cornel. I need to place an order, but I can't decide which frame I want. I just want Deana to do it.
Marty received his frames yesterday too. They are truly beautiful, Cornel. It is so very nice of you to make such a large contribution to the Grumble.
The pictures of them are amazing. I want some and not entering is one of the biggest negitives about managing this.

I figured I'd wait until after Atlanta before emailing Peter at United. I figured his hands were quite full right now.
I want to thank Cornel for the great frames. They are truly outstanding. Cornel is a fantastic citizen of the Grumble community. It is a pleasure to know him.
Are you the one that framed the Mucha print? I thought that was really great (although all the entries were outstanding!). One day I hope I'll be good enough to turn out a product like that (for myself, because I'm sure my customers will think it's "too fancy").
I don't which of us you are asking, but I did the antique oil can and photo. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the kind words. The customer loved it. Incidently, it will be the Frame of the Month in the September Decor Magazine.
Originally posted by Martycip:
Thanks for the kind words. The customer loved it. Incidently, it will be the Frame of the Month in the September Decor Magazine.
Bravo! Very well done!
(if not for an unfortunate farming accident, I'd give you 2 thumbs up!)