Templates for creative mat cutting

Lisa Street

Grumbler in Training
Nov 28, 2005
I have been searching for templates to use in cutting my mat. There are some out there made by Nesbett but when I called them they told me they no longer make them. If there is anyone that has some or know of someone who wants to sell their I am very interested. There are some with the Southwest design and some with arrows. Just to give my mats a lift.

Please help me I do not know where to go in the right directions.

Lisa Street

I presume you mean plastic drafting templates like those made by RapiDesign, J.S. Staedtler or Chartpak. Many have been discontinued as computer drafting makes them obsolete, but you may find some in the typical overstocked large art material store or drafting/repro shop. Try to find the oldest one near you, not a chain, but privately owned. Typically, they won't even know what they have in their basement warehouse and that is exactly where you will find the templates you're looking for.

Dave Makielski