I've asked this before--I think--but will again. Before I commit either suicide or the perfect crime, how do you all handle phone calls when online? If you have a dedicated phone line for your computer, you don't have the problem. But if you don't, you must have some kind of device or software which goes to voicemail or similar in order for your customers/friends to avoid receiving either a busy or just no answer. So far, I have tried Pagoo, Callwave, Internet Call Manager, and BuzMe. Each has strengths, but mostly problems.
Ideally, you want a service with a pop-up box to tell you you're being phoned. ID on it is nice. Would be great to be able to disconnect and take the call; but in lieu of that, just take a message in your normal answering machine mode, then allow you to get it right away so you can get offline and call them back.
I've even looked into SWB CallNotes, but you don't know a call is coming in when you're online.
Any help for me from any of you? I don't want two phone lines, don't want RoadRunner or DSL, and don't want to quit surfing!
Ideally, you want a service with a pop-up box to tell you you're being phoned. ID on it is nice. Would be great to be able to disconnect and take the call; but in lieu of that, just take a message in your normal answering machine mode, then allow you to get it right away so you can get offline and call them back.
I've even looked into SWB CallNotes, but you don't know a call is coming in when you're online.
Any help for me from any of you? I don't want two phone lines, don't want RoadRunner or DSL, and don't want to quit surfing!