Techie question - not framing


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 9, 2001
Skaneateles,NY USA
I'm asking here, because you guys are great and you usually have the answers...

I am in the process of setting up a POS system for my other store - Infused! I installed the software on a laptop with a 17" screen. When I open the software, and the screens come up, they are scrunched up - I am losing about a quarter of my page on the right side. The demo I saw looked fine on the 15" monitor.

I have looked at the quickstart, the Help sections, the user manual, tried everything that I can think of, but am coming up blank. All the tech support is closed for the weekend, and of course I was hoping to get a lot of work done this weekend on this project since the frameshop is closed!

You're probably going to need to adjust the screen resolution to something a bit higher. There's usually an icon in your system tray to do that. Otherwise, right-click on a blank portion of your desktop and choose 'properties.'

OR, the POS itself may have a setting (like 'zoom') to adjust its own page size. If I were designing a POS, I'd include that feature.
I have the screen res set at the highest, can't find a feature in the POS to adjust its page.


Still looking :mad:

I don't know if this is any help to you but, if you are setting up your program with vendors and such, why couldn't you do an import from your POS program at your other store to your laptop. You don't necessarily need the full screen to copy from one computer to another. The full screen information will still be there after the screen setting problem is resolved.

The setting problem you are describing is easy to remedy on an independant monitor using the menu control buttons on the front of the monitor but I have no clue as to the whereabouts of the internal controls for screen settings on a laptop. They should be there somewhere but I don't know any more than you about accessing them. Maybe Mike will be on later and help with the problem.


Thanks Framerguy - the system is being setup on this laptop for use as the POS terminal at Infused! I saw the demo on a 15" monitor laptop and the screens looked fine. I was just hoping to get a lot of work done this weekend, and I don't feel like I should call the local guy that showed the demo on his long weekend. It is probably something so simple, yet has the ability to drive you absolutely nuts!!


Still looking
Wouldn't that be a lower resolution, Ron? - to make 15" screen resolution fill a 17". I agree that there should be a setting in the POS software to fill any common screen resolution.

Pat :D
Our POS (SpecialtySoft) software is made to look good with 800x600 screen settings. Higher settings just scrunches it up, smaller and smaller. There is no setting within the POS to adjust for other resolutions, unless it came out in the latest update.

You might try lower screen resolution just to prove things right or wrong.
Originally posted by Elaine:
Thanks Framerguy - the system is being setup on this laptop for use as the POS terminal at Infused!
That's what I get for trying to understand words this early (for me) on a Sunday morning!! I didn't even see THAT part of your question, ....... sorry.

I need a steaming cup of Earle Grey NOW!!

Tried changing the resolution to lower - made screen fuzzy and had no affect on the POS screen as far as size - it remains scrunched up on the right side.

Framerguy - you need some of the coffee that Infused! sells! It is called "Wake the "f" up" of course the "f" is spelled out :D
Hi Elaine,

Which software product are you using? This might help us suggest the correct settings.

Specialtysoft is optimized for 800x600 resolution
LifeSaver is optimized for 1024x768 resolution
I think FrameReady is optimized for 1024x768, but i'm not positive.

As Ron suggested, you can right click on your computer's WALLPAPER and select PROPERTIES. Click on the SETTINGS tab, where you will see the screen resolution slider. Adjust as necessary. I suggest trying 1024x768 if you're not sure.

Please let us know if that helps

This is not any of the framing software. It is called The General Store and it is for my other specialty food store called Infused! I have tried everything you have suggested, and the screens for the POS data entry stay scrunched up it is cutting off the text on the right side. Can't size the screen by pulling on the outside lines either.

I am bamboozled by this one. I just did a change on the software and ran "repair" to see if there was an error during the install - nothing changed. Do you think I should uninstall and start over??


ok. Let's try something else:

Go to the same place, but click on the APPEARANCE tab. Confirm that the FONT SIZE is set to "normal"
Yup - set on normal!
1440 x 900 current settings.

anything other than this is fuzzy and the screens are still scrunched up.
Let's try another:

Right click on an open area of your Windows desktop and select Properties

Click on the Appearance tab

Click on the Effects button

Uncheck the option: "Use Large Icons"

Click Apply, then OK

Reboot the computer

I think it has something to do with the operating system compatibility - what do you think??

Under the drop down menu, it list Windows 95, Windows 98/ME, NT server, and Windows 2000. My laptop runs on Windows XP. In the manual it says it is compatible with Windows XP but requires a minimum of Service Pack 1 - What is that?? I tride to run it under the other options, and got an error.

Jerry - how do I tell if it is Wide Screen Format?

I have just uninstalled and reinstalled and nothing has changed.

I'm stumped!
Well, I finally did it.

After speaking with the techs at the software company, I decided to do a system restore and started over.

I think the problem was a combination of things... I reloaded the software - found a couple of missing steps there, and then I checked the resolution, effects, and advanced options for the icons, etc.

After all of that, and another half a day, I can now read the screens!!

It helps to read the destructions first

Can't assume that all software just installs itself

Go figure.
Thanks for the follow-up post!

I'm glad to hear the good news.
Thanks Mike

Now all I have to do is get Lifesaver to fix the error that has been in that POS for a year now :mad:
Our shop is one of their primary beta test sites, and i'm not aware of an error. Email me privately with details and id love to check it out.

If you're at the show this weekend, stop by the booth and say hi.

I won't be at the show, but I will check out the error number and email you tommorow. Phonetag and customer inturruptions are a large part on my side, but they have been really bad about followup - except with the maintenance bill :D

I would really just like to get it fixed.

I'll send it in the morning. Have fun at the show, let us know what good new stuff there is coming out.
