First off this is in regard to Normandog OPRah post.
I am with you Betty I have no respect for bait and switch posts or any thing. It ranks with a telemarketer who calls a dinner time only not to accept I am busy thank you good bye.
I think teaching A framing class per Continuing ed. has never been a value.
You know they will want to know who your suppliers are. Your suppliers will sell to them you Know most of them will & hardly no questions asked thats what they do.
You get paid $15.00 to gain 1-2 customers and you loose maybe 3-4 to doing it themselves the rest go to the chain stores?
You are better off teaching a 2 day work shop and Charge $895.00 in other cities.
Next If you really want to teach which is more an ego thing than profitable. You must teach them something that you will gain $ from. Sell an item they buy from you. Do not teach them how to circumvent you. For instance a book that is mandatory reading, or a mat cutter or the equipment to make a frame.
Teach only a small segments of Framing. Such as a class on just matt cutting. But do you have six mat cutters for them to use? do you sell matt cutters?
Better yet teach a class on how to choose mats and the different types of matting.
Teach one on How to pick out a Frame for different types of Art/Photos.
Teach one on Conservation matting or What You Need to Know About Framing a Thomas KinKade. Teach just what the materials are that are needed not the actual how to hands on stuff.
Better yet for a much better return on time. Put a 1 hour to 45min. presentation together and offer this to local clubs as a guest speaker. Do camera clubs, women's clubs, garden clubs etc. Just think it will come to you. your return will be much better than a class teaching everyone how to do exactly what you do.
Now if you just want to teach offer to give a workshop at your local chapter of PPFA, Or for that fact how about National.
Hey to much too long sorry about that.
Take what you want and leave the rest!!!!!
I am with you Betty I have no respect for bait and switch posts or any thing. It ranks with a telemarketer who calls a dinner time only not to accept I am busy thank you good bye.
I think teaching A framing class per Continuing ed. has never been a value.
You know they will want to know who your suppliers are. Your suppliers will sell to them you Know most of them will & hardly no questions asked thats what they do.
You get paid $15.00 to gain 1-2 customers and you loose maybe 3-4 to doing it themselves the rest go to the chain stores?
You are better off teaching a 2 day work shop and Charge $895.00 in other cities.
Next If you really want to teach which is more an ego thing than profitable. You must teach them something that you will gain $ from. Sell an item they buy from you. Do not teach them how to circumvent you. For instance a book that is mandatory reading, or a mat cutter or the equipment to make a frame.
Teach only a small segments of Framing. Such as a class on just matt cutting. But do you have six mat cutters for them to use? do you sell matt cutters?
Better yet teach a class on how to choose mats and the different types of matting.
Teach one on How to pick out a Frame for different types of Art/Photos.
Teach one on Conservation matting or What You Need to Know About Framing a Thomas KinKade. Teach just what the materials are that are needed not the actual how to hands on stuff.
Better yet for a much better return on time. Put a 1 hour to 45min. presentation together and offer this to local clubs as a guest speaker. Do camera clubs, women's clubs, garden clubs etc. Just think it will come to you. your return will be much better than a class teaching everyone how to do exactly what you do.
Now if you just want to teach offer to give a workshop at your local chapter of PPFA, Or for that fact how about National.
Hey to much too long sorry about that.
Take what you want and leave the rest!!!!!