system crash


PFG, Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Oct 13, 1999
Oak Park, MI
minoxy llc
Well, it happened this morning. My hard drive died.

All is not lost. As I mentioned, I had a complete hard drive mirror copy at home. I was up and ready for business in about 1 1/2 hours (installed new drive and install backuped data files. It worked great.

Cost about $70 for the Maxtor drive which included a DOS floppy backup (mirror) program.
Jerry, I'll bet you remember the "good old days."

I once spent $700 on a 120 meg (not gig) hard-
drive I installed myself.

My friends wondered what in the world I was going to do with all that storage.

Yours is a good example of preparation paying off.
Good thing you were prepared. It still isn't fun.

We do daily backups of the POS and Quicken, which go home. Once per week I do a full backup of the full program folders w/data, via the internet. A mirror image of our system lives at the house, refreshed once per week.

My first drive was 5mb and cost well over $1000. (and about as fast as a floppy disk)
The posting was done only to show what a little preparation does reduce the pain when disaster happens.

And it will happen to all of us.
Last year, my #1 PC (which has since been demoted to #2) died in the middle of my tax preparation. It wasn't a hard drive crash. It wouldn't even boot with a floppy or a bootable CD.

Turbo Tax had started a new anti-piracy deal. You could install the software on multiple PCs, but you could only print a return after you had done an on-line registration, and you could only do that once. Of course, I had already done that.

I was faced with not only starting my taxes over, but buying new preparation software.

I finally got the beast started by taking the cover off, blowing out all the dust bunnies and re-seating all the chips and cards.

This year I'm going to try Tax Cut.