Supply Chain Integration

David Waldmann

The Guru
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Industry Vendor
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Feb 6, 2002
Chester, Vermont USA
Vermont Hardwoods
I understand that CMAC is beginning to offer some supply chain integration, using already existing POS systems (in addition to their own) to electronically place orders from vendors who use CMAC. I'd be interested to know if anyone is doing so, and how they like it.
Hi David

We're happy with it and have been doing so since pre-release. They selected our shop as one of the beta sites so we've been doing it for a while, with LifeSaver.

The POS automatically generates the vendor's "pick list"/"order list", presents it for editing, printing, and you click SEND when ready. Within a couple seconds, it transmits through the internet. CMAC's system takes your order and inserts it electronically into the vendor's system, checking stock availability along the way. Their system then emails you directly to confirm the order details.

CMAC is a "pos vendor" of sorts that provides the warehouse software most moulding companies use to manage their inventory and invoicing.

We're currently using this SCI system for all of our STUDIO orders, but it supports several other popular vendors. I believe LifeSaver was the first to include support for this project, but other (framing POS) vendors have since signed on.

I figured you'd be in on it, Mike. Does it allow you to wait and put your orders in once a week (or whenever you want), or does it work on an order by order basis only?

I'm still waiting to hear back from them on what other POSs have been updated to work with it, but if anyone else here is using it I'd love to hear from you.
The answer to your question depends how the POS vendor implements it, but for the POS we use the answer is yes.

You can transmit 20 times per day, if you wish, or once per week. You have to physically click on the button when you wish to generate an order, and it automatically looks through the tickets (since your last xmission) and extracts the appropriate mouldings that match the vendor(s) you are transmitting to.

I believe Fullcalc and Specialtysoft are working on it, and may even be live. (there are likely others) Lifesaver added it in late Feb. We have been using it for 3 months now, for every Studio order. No problems at all.

Studio, Max, and Aetna were the initial companies that jumped on, and i'm sure others are supported by now.

If anyone has more info or corrections, please jump in

CMAC is working with the POS vendors to help integrate the supply chain from their POS system to the suppliers of the industry. Our long term plan is to have the ability for all framers with POS systems to have the ability to place electronic orders with each vendor in the industry, whether they are a CMAC customer or not.

We have rolled out this capability with Lifesaver and Studio Moulding. Mike L. has been a great beta site for us at the retail level, using Lifesaver, and Studio has been working with us to automate the distributor side of things. We are starting things slowly but are ready to begin rolling this out on a large scale basis very quickly. We will start with CMAC customers as vendors simply because they are easy for us to communicate with (we wrote their software). We are also having discussions with other vendors who are NOT CMAC customers to start integrating with their systems as well.

The basic way the process works is that the retailer places their orders as they normally do. Lifesaver, and many of the other POS vendors, have the ability already to send those orders electronically, you will have to talk to your POS vendor to get those details. Once the order is transmitted the retailer will receive an email order acknowledgement within about 60 seconds of that vendor receiving their order showing what was on the order, the order number assigned etc.

I'll be happy to discuss this with anyone who has any questions at all. You can email or call CMAC, or talk to your POS vendor to get the specifics from them. We have Lifesaver working 100% now so anyone who orders from Studio moulding, and more very shortly, and uses Lifesver can begin to use this TODAY. We hope everyone takes advantage of this.

Troy Heitmeyer
Computer Management Asst. Co.
Once more vendors and pos systems are live, maybe we can have a "live chat event night" to tackle any questions or concerns. (from cmac side and the pos configuration/setup side)


CMAC would welcome the opportunity to have a chat event and answer whatever questions people have regarding Supply Chain Integration. We feel that there are huge benefits to be had, both from an efficiency standpoint and from a cost of order standpoint, to both the retailer and the distributor. With technology becoming more and more prevalent in our industry and with communication capability becoming almost a necessity, we feel that the industry is ready for this and are excited to be able to be a part of offering it.

I'm thinking this is the another glimps into the future of framing. As a tech junkie I welcome it.

Framesmart has been creating a similar system called FLO (Frame Live Order) for quite some time. I think they have completely installed up to 95% of the suppliers in Australia, and will be bringing this and Framesmart to the USA soon also. HERE is a page for it. I think they will have more information after the offical launch this summer.

I know I can't wait to get my hands on this kind of stuff. Its excites us geeks.

I believe that the vendors and framers are very happy with it to date.

Can you comment on the functionality of the system? What steps did you use to order before, and what do you now do? Is there a cost of goods reduction? Do you save labor? This is very interesting stuff and I would be happy to know the answers.
Hi Kevin,

It works as advertised, and seems most useful if you do a lot of chops. (it auto exports the moulding #s and measurements from the tickets)

With the old way, we printed a twice weekly "pick list" in Lifesaver and checked inventory on hand before picking up the phone to call the order in. There is often a language barrier with the particular vendor we tested, which has resulted in mistakes in the past.

With this setup, we tell it to EXPORT the vendor, and it comes up with a similar "pick list" on the screen (which can be printed). Everything is filled in assuming chops, but just for the vendor selected. You can add/delete/modify/print a report, based on your stock. When you're satisfied with the order, you hit a key and it transmits in a couple seconds. Shortly after, an email arrives confirming all the details. There's little chance of a clerical error, since it flows directly from the ticket to the vendor's warehouse database system.

We're a relatively small shop, but it does save time and minimizes clerical errors. I don't see a COG reduction.

This feature is already enabled in your LifeSaver, if you'd like to take a look. Go to CLOSING -> ORDERS (pulldown menu). It will need your account number and other info. Once you click on PREPARE ORDERS, you'll see the starting and ending ticket #. (it will move this up automatically after the first time). Hit OK to generate the order, and you'll see it populate the table below. Just don't click on EXPORT, or you'll receive all those items a day later!

I think the best way to understand it is to take a look.
