Super smooth

Framing Goddess

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 18, 2000
Cleveland, Ohio
So, I tried to order Crescent's super smooth board today and was told that it is factory discontinued and sold out.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a suitable substitute?

edie the helpmepleaseron goddess
Goddess baby!
Are you referring to the 202 super smooth? If so I have some.
Hmmmm, 202? Don't know about that. I'm curious, though.
I only know it as either super smooth 90 or super smooth 140. And, thanks to Ron, it's the only thing that I will use for photos.

edie the itsbeenalongtimesinceivebeencalledbaby goddess
So YOU'RE the other one that was using it. I guess I'm not surprised it's gone, since only a handful of distributors carried it. It seems like an endorsement from me is a kiss-of-death for many products. (Thank God WallBuddies is hangin' in there.)

Bainbridge has a 1/4" fome product called Smoothmount. "It is made of enhanced extruded polystyrene foam with 12 point clay-coated liners, which gives it a harder feel and greater rigidity." (From the Vicki Schober catalog.)

You could use it with Crescent's Perfect Mount sheet film for cold-mounting.

I had some to play with. Unfortunately, it looks so similar to regular fome that I used it for expensive filler board before I realized what I had done.