Suggestions or Offers Welcome


Grumbler in Training
Feb 23, 2004
Morgan Hill, Ca
Well my father died a little over a year ago. He was a master framer and an awesome father. He taught me all he knew about picture framing. But I have all this equipment and I cant manage to finish one darn frame.....Its very frustrating. Does anyone know someone who might be interested in a complete shop set? (incl. Jyden chopper, seal masterpiece 350 (32x26)drymount press, 8ftx4ft carpeted tables, matcutter etc.) or more importantly how much this complete set is worth? It has alot of sentimental value and I dont want to get ripped off.
Sorry for your loss, Littlebug.

I don't mean to be harsh, but don't expect a prospective buyer to care about the sentimental value. They'll be looking for good, solid equipment in decent condition.

Why not post on the 'classifieds' forum (commercial) with a little more detail and see what happens?

Good luck to you.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I was faced with the same situation a couple of years ago. In order for you to make the picture framing workout, YOU must want it to.

What I mean is, if your heart isn't in it, It's not worth it. This is not an easy business to make a living doing.(at least I havn't figured it out or heard anyone else say it is)

If you want to do framing, Like your father, then don't give up. There is a wealth of information on this site and if you decide to stick it out, I'm sure that most all of your problems can be figured out with the help of these Grumblers.

Good luck with what ever you decide.

Hey Littlebug:

If you want to learn how to use the equipment, you could always invest in some classes. I find those most helpful.

Sorry about your Dad, Littlebug. The death of a parent can be tough. Hope your managing to muttle through.
Originally posted by Flintstone:
[qb] Hey Littlebug:

If you want to learn how to use the equipment, you could always invest in some classes. I find those most helpful.

Thank u....but I apprenticed since I was 10 years old classes are not the problem. Its not that I dont know how because I know every step extremely well...(thats the frustrating part)....I know exactly how to finish the frame... I just dont finish it.

[ 02-23-2004, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: LittleBug ]

I think you may be suffering from "4th corner syndrome", a malady that afflicts many of us occasionally. You get the first 3 corners joined and you feel satisfied that the joining is going well so you lay the frame aside and go for a cold beer or some cheese doodles and, bingo, it lays there with that 4th corner just flapping in the breeze waiting for those last few v-nails and that little dab 'il do ya of glue.

The phone rings, or a customer comes in dragging her little foo foo French poodle and one distraction leads to another and, before ya know it, the entire month is blown and you still haven't finished that frame!! :eek:

If you weren't located on the left coast I know of a couple of framers who could use your equipment but they are all over here and the freight charges would be horrible.

Littlebug, are you sure you want to sell?
Do you like to frame?
Why not just wait it out and see if your Unfinishitis passes?
I'm sorry about your father. It sounds like he was a very talented framer and I'm guessing he taught you well.
Give yourself some time, if you can.
Best to you,
edie the whatstherush goddess