stuff on eBay

Yuba City is just North of Sacramento. Near Sutter's Mill (where they "discoverd" gold first in CA in 1848, under some rocks they were moving in the river to build the mill). Just East (upstream)of Yuba is Nevada City, where they found the vein.

Pretty place.

260.00 for all three seems more than fair.

Try and make sure that includes a box.
There is also another great deal link in the first post of this thread! You should maybe take a look, rnwlb2005. :rolleyes:

FGII, I think Omar ought to buy it. Think what a great 'road trip' that'd make for O and T!
T says he'll even drive!
O to T, over,

FGII passed this along to me. We could arrange that trip if I don't have to go back to Iraq or help with tracking down the other "O" somewhere in the mountains.

We need to skirt that state out there, Colorado I think it's called, I hear it is a desolate wasteland and there aren't any people living there.

Well, there is rumor of a scraggly haired old bitty who is still trying to run a frameshop somewhere around the Denver area. She doesn't seem to be a threat to Nat'l Security but I hear she is armed and goes off the deep end without warning sometimes. I can't risk the exposure of dropping her if she pulls a gun.

(What the heck is an ATG gun?? I haven't seen those in my list of arsenal weapons, yet.).

I'll be in touch.
