Stuck Photo


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
Where did I read recently about old photos stuck to glass? I have one to undo. Owner can get me another, but we agreed I'd try to get first one released. Isn't it just a leisurely water bath?
Water bath sometimes works. Adhesive release may also. some just never come off. A new one may be cheaper than all of your time.JP
Try holding out in direct sunlight for about a minute or so usually works for me at least in the Aussie sub tropical sun. Brian C. Only God is perfect I just try to be !
MM, what kind of photo is it? Fiber based paper, or something more exotic like a tintype? I've read about techniques using a closed humidity chamber and gravity to loosen it. (Basically a box with water in the bottom and a screen with the photo and glass suspended over the screen.) I wouldn't soak it in pure water but if I had a copy available I might have Gary put it in a tray of water with photoflo in it to see if it would lift off.
I had to reread this thing twice as I was certain some serious memory problem was occurring. Then I looked at the posting date: 1998. I'm not crazy after least not in this regard. And I don't even remember what I did with the photo. :(
Originally posted by MerpsMom:
I had to reread this thing twice as I was certain some serious memory problem was occurring. Then I looked at the posting date: 1998. I'm not crazy after least not in this regard. And I don't even remember what I did with the photo. :(
So, Cathie, you obviously used Unseal. Look what it's done to Less. And the bad part is, a lot of G'ers are wondering where they left that can of Unseal, or wondering if they left the cap off!!!

There are meetings, you know: "Hi, my name's Cathie, and I use Unseal."
What's the matter Charles? Getting <strike>board</strike> bored in warped?
As far as I know, Warped doesn't sell boards. I usually get my boards from Lowes or Home Depot.

Now, bored is a state of mind we all fall into on occasion.
**** , I hate when that happens :eek:
Charles, I'm not so certain of the effects of Unseal, but my brother did a lot of model airplane building when we were kids. Smell good toxicity........... :cool: