Stuck CD


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
HELP!!! I have a CD stuck in my CR Rom drive and I cannot get it out! A friend of mine made me a disc of fonts and gave me explicit instructions (or so he thought) how to install them. It never opened, just whirred and ticked and then got stuck.

In the mean time, I've had to "re-activate" Windows, cause the screen said I had exceeded my allotted number of activations (Which I have not done, to my knowledge).

I went into the control panel, clicked on the correct drive and clicked "eject this disc" and the BURNER tray opened!!!

Good drief, Charlie Brown, what have I done??!!??

Any enlightened suggestions would be helpfull... :confused:

Did you try the other drive? Maybe the drives are mislabeled in your control panel? Couldn't do any harm to try.

A buddy of mine had the same thing happen and he, in his infinite wisdom, tried to pry the tray open with a butter knive. (with the power off) and ruined his drive! (Just thought I'd throw that in as a subtle warning.)

I would probably seek professional help if the other drive doesn't do the trick.

Thanks Framerguy, I finally got the CD out using my old standby trick. I turned off the whole shootin match for an hour, turned it back on, tried it, and out it popped. And I'm pretty sure its the correct drive, cause the other one is labeled 40x12x48, for the burner which I have yet to use.

That whole Microsoft thing is a mystery to me, though. Anyone else have to go through that rigamarole?

I have invited the guy who gave me the CD over with the lure of a nice (restaurant) meal. We shall see if he can figure out what happened. But he is a Mac guy, and I am PC. And, before anyone gets the wrong idea here, he is one of my customers, and he traded the fonts for some mats (my idea!).
Okay, you have it out but anyhow...

There is a little weenie hole just under the carriage of your CD drive that seems to do nothing, this is in fact an ultra secret (007 style) spot to jam a straightened paperclip to open the drive (when you have the power OFF) in case you "might" happen to bump or perhaps drop the PC while moving it and dislodge the CD that climbed back in AFTER you removed it prior to transporting the PC...
Framar--glad you got it out. If the friend is a MAC user it is possible the CD was burned using toast and a file format that could not be read by you PC. That could be why the cd just spun and couldn't be recognized. Another possibility is the disc is a rewritable while your CD drive is write only. Some write only drives will not read a rewritable cd. We run both MACs and PCs in my shop so we have seen both of these problems.
Originally posted by Framar:

In the mean time, I've had to "re-activate" Windows, cause the screen said I had exceeded my allotted number of activations (Which I have not done, to my knowledge).

You have XP correct? Have you called Microsoft and Registered the software yet? Just wondering cause I haven't done much with XP but will check to make sure.
Originally posted by Lance E:
There is a little weenie hole just under the carriage of your CD drive that seems to do nothing, this is in fact an ultra secret (007 style) spot to jam a straightened paperclip ...
D A M N! Just when I was gonna recommend my famous "Sledge Hammer Fix".

[ 03-07-2003, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: Curly Grumble ]
I don't know what this icon is supposed to represent, but I imagine it is a likeness of my face every time I tangle with my computer.

I am gonna tape a paperclip to my cpu just so's I won't forget that neat trick. And my sledgehammer is always at the ready...

I didn't know I had to talk to Microsoft about registering XP. Nobody said anything about that, it just was the operating system on the computer when I bought it. I'll have to ask the store guy. But I bet I'm registered now, right?

I mean, that was a freaking fifty six digit number they gave me! Yikes!

Thanks to all for your help. I figure my stupid computer queries also help those afraid to ask...
Microsoft has increased security in all their newer products (Windows XP, Office XP, etc). If you make large changes to your computer (new CPU chip, HD, etc) it will often detect this and force you to call them to re-register. This happened to me last year.
Next time just go to the Microsoft support web page for XP. In the upper right of the screen is the activation and reactivation info. You can do it all over the net. Window's XP gives you 30 days of use before it either insists that you activate or goes into reduced functionality mode (you can't save or change anything) until you activate. This is Microsofts new Antipirating code. As Mike said if you make significant changes to the equipment the software will insist on reactivating.
Office XP gives you 50 uses before it does the same thing.

You learn a little something everyday, cool!