Stretching Round or Oval Canvas


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Oct 23, 2003
Columbia, SC
New customer coming in tomorrow with a "round oil painting on canvas." Says the canvas is not stretched, has been rolled up. I don't know yet if the fabric has been cut into a circle or if it is a circular painting on a square/rectangular fabric.

Anyone aware of sources for a round or oval "stretcher bar" ? Or any other suggestions of what to do with this?

Since I made such a creature in the early 70s as a "just to see if I could", and using measurements from an old (at that time) drawing, I have only seen one other oval stretcher bar system with the obligitory 8 keying point.

Since that time I have (horrors :eek: ) done the unthinkable and cut a circle from particle board or 15-ply Siberian Birch plywood...
The staple and stretch as you would any round (Tondo) or oval....

but then of course, you have all that substrate right behind the canvas.....

So then there is the cut the circle 1/4" smaller and glue and attach an 1/8" riser board around the perimiter. Sand the edges of the riser, (only needs to stick above the substrate about 1/8-1/4"), and staple the canvas through the riser and into the plywood.

Take pictures as you go and post.

If you need to be walked through it, let me know. I have a bit of time on my hands....currently. :D
Mount it like a circle stitchery. You can use Acid Free Foam Core, and pins.

I have seen oval and circle canvas available, but they are not on "Stretcher bars" They are on a base much like a circle or oval frame.

However you do this job, let us know.