Stretching. Do I use a backer?

Bob Doyle

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Jul 14, 2002
South Berwick, Maine
So I got a customer that wants me to stretch her giglee canvases. Should I put a fome or matboard backing on it? I back canvases when I put them in a frame, but what about when only stretching it?

They are going to hang in a gallery, so I put the staples on the back of the strainer bar, to give it a better look from the side, but the back?
Yes. Physical protection. Protection from bugs, dust, staircase finials*, etc. If you have 4mm polyflute you can screw it to the stretcher using oval head wood screws and cup washers (stainless).
*actual repair job.
I seldom do.

I am reluctant to place the canvas face down on the work table for fear of damaging the surface.
Thanks Wally and Paul!

That's what I thought, after I put the screws and wire on! Had I been thinking I probably would have put the matboard on the stretchers, then stretched the canvas! Just was so happy to have a no-mind job to do that I didn't think about what I was doing til after it was done! But then that was what I was looking to do.. not think

I just opened my mail today, and got your D-Ring!!!!

Too funny! Really got me chuckling! Thank you, I hope this starts a double posting jinx tradition!

BTW I said, to my 8 yr old daughter, "as you <small>wish...</small>" And she corrected me by saying I forgot the buttercup part!

Thanks for the Billy Crystal lines in your letter!
Hey Bob,

Last Friday, when I read your last post, I had just finished mounting thirty broaches in a boring, tedious shadowbox. My eyes were still crossed and I felt such a relief having finished it, I was a bit punchy.

I needed to do something a little skewed to someone a little off center.

You were it!
Glad to be of assistance! Again, I laughed so hard when I opened that envelope!
I'm still chuckling just thinking about it!