Stretching a POC painting from the islands


PFG, Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Oct 13, 1999
Oak Park, MI
minoxy llc
How about a good tip vs a complaint for a change.

I received a Christmas rush yesterday. It was a primitive painting on fabric from Panama.

It was not painted square.
It was tightly rolled.
It was heavily cockled (painted with a flat water based paint of some sort).
It was painted nailed to a wall or similar surface with only 10 nailes (23" x 33")
It was dirty and not varnished.
it was painted on thin POLYESTER unprimed fabric.

My normal stretching pliers would not hold to stretch the fabric....... POLYESTER fabric

so what did I do.

I made a "v" with 220 sandpaper and placed it in the pliers .......... success... it held the fabric perfectly to stretch.

and no damage to the customers POC

POC = piece of crap :D
Somehow, I just knew that was what POC meant!!
Must be a Maine thing as I knew what POC meant as well!

Oh yeah, great tip!

'nother one, masking tape on your screwdriver blade will hold the screw from falling off
Jerome? Are you off your meds again? :D

great tip...

That EPS warp that some venders warp around their chops work really good too.

I've got a lot more of that then I do sandpaper..
I'd save the sandpaper for all of those FINE POS TKs. :D