still no power


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 27, 2005
Still no power at my shop. I went in as long as I could stand it, it was 39 degrees inside. But I did manage to sort through all moulding, scraps etc and clean up the place. But I'm worried about my computer for my Wizard. Being the tech genius that I am not, I wonder if the system will be ok when power is restored? I ahve it plugged into a major surge protecter with a battery back-up. Here is my question, the zsystem was on when I lost power there was alot of confusion because part of a tree had just come down in my shop drive, etc. I never thought whether or not I was suppose to do something further. God I feel stupid right now. Any advise would be appreciated.


My husband was just in your area during the week and it was spring-like!! Did you get those ferocious winds like we had here a little further west?

Where are you in SS? (love that town!!)

I'd have unplugged mine, but you probably are safe. The issue to me would be more when the power returns than when it went out. The UPS potentially saved you when the power went down.

Any other geeks and gurus out there willing to posit an opinion?

My question would be whether the UPS or Surge protector had a guarantee (used to be $25000), and whether it would apply?
Roz I'm just outside of downtown on Rte 9 going north. Its a great town and yes to everything. We have a beatiful state park here with an entrance road going to the Saratoga Performance Art Center called Ave of the PInes. It has, as it sounds enormous pines on either side of the road Unfortunately it and much of the area was hit really hard. A DOT worker lost his life when one of the trees came down on his truck. Many of us hav eno power but his poor family lost so much more.
I think you had something similair in your area, didn't you. One of my brothers lives in Webster.

Should I go back and unplkug everything....or should I run a long extension cord to the school across the street from my shop, that is being used as a shelter? That would be tacky wouldn't it.
I would definitely unplug everything, and bring it all back online once power was restored. The power-up once electricity is restored is what would fry something important. Better to be safe...
Thank you...I'm running back to Saratoga

I heard about the worker who lost his life...very very sad, and yes the same happened yesterday here in Webster... a HUGE 60' tree came down on a car and the lady was killed. It is main road I take to get to the store and it was closed due to the accident. Going by the scene last night - not only was it a 60' tree - but an OLD tree about 4' in diameter with the entire inside rotted away on a hillside with many other old rotting trees - definitely a dangerous place when weather like this occurs.

I am very familiar with the area you are in, and love it.

Hope you get your power back sooner than later!

The battery back up, or UPS is really designed to allow a few minutes of backup power so you can shut down the PC or to prevent momentary outages from resetting your PC, CC terminal, etc. Some models also come with software that will shut down the PC if an outage exceeds a configurable threshold. For this the manufacturer should provide a USB of serial cable to go from the UPS to the PC. I haven't had any problems with power blips hurting the Wizard PC but my CC terminal has had to be reloaded a couple of times due. I keep a UPS on the POS PC and the CC terminal now for this reason. One thing to consider though, if you put a CRT monitor on the UPS it will greatly reduce the amount of battery backup time. You want to limit the equipment you plug into the UPS to the essentials for this reason.
Unplug the computer and keep it off until the room temp comes back up above 50 or 60 Deg.
>39 degrees inside

I would be more concerned about pipes freezing. If you have sprinklers, they can easily freeze and burst if it goes below freezing for a period of time. (as can bathroom pipes, heating system, etc)

Hopefully your power comes back on soon. If not, I would take some precautionary measures. (plastic over your pc's if you have sprinkler heads above them, nothing on the floor that could be damaged, etc. Maybe even a well watched kerosine or bullet heater, to raise it up)

This happened to our current building, before we bought it. The former owner moved to FL and turned off the heat. (it was vacant) It ruined the floors and filled the basement with water, before anyone noticed.

Originally posted by Mike Labbe @ GTP:
>39 degrees inside

Mike thats what I call nipple-ly!!


Thank you everyone for all the advise, I will be even more prepared next time! But most of all thanks to everyone for not making me feel stupid. I only started using a computer 3 years ago and I have learned much and need to learn more, and happily will. :D